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她没有给出细节.She gave no details.

一些装饰的细节。Some decor elements.

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它有很多细节技术It has a lot of detail.

这些细节描述令他惊喜不已。The detail thrilled him.

更多细节请看1143页。For details see Page 1143.

她有鉴别细节的眼力。She has an eye for detail.

即便如此,我们仍缺乏有关细节。Even so, we lack specifics.

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千万不要忽视细节。Never overleap the details!

不要忽略任何细节。Don't slip over any details.

他转而谈到细节。He descended to particulars.

他就一些细节挑剔了一番。He nit-picked a few details.

技术性细节是什么呢What are the technicalities?

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但他拒绝阐述细节。But he declines to elaborate.

但我还不能谈及很多细节。I can’t talk about specifics.

某些细节被禁止披露。Some details were suppressed.

细节决定一切。The detail decides the whole.

需要指出的细节?好,让我们继续。All right, then let's proceed.

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当中有些细节是错误的。Some of the details are wrong.

现在是时候补充一些细节。It's time to add some niceties.

我会和你们分享一些细节。I’ll even share some specifics.