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我批改了学生们的小考试卷。I marked the students' quiz papers.

你们应留出空白供批改用。You must leave some space for correction.

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我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。I spend at least six hours a week marking.

我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。I spent at least six hours a week marking.

他安下心来,批改作业。He settled down to correcting the exercises.

我每晚都熬夜批改作业。I stay up every night to check the homework.

老师通常用红墨水进行批改。Teachers usually make corrections in red ink.

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我花了整个上午的时间批改试卷。I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers.

老师花费许多时间批改我们的作文。The teacher spent much time correcting our compositions.

改进的视频,但愿批改了同步的题目了。Improved Video, hopefully fixes the out of syncing issue.

他在批改完作业之后就把作业本发给我们了。He gave us our exercise books after he had corrected them.

对批改作业并没有花费太多的时间去加以研究。To Check one's homework do not spend too much time to study.

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我们老师昨晚上忙着批改我们的试卷。Our teacher was busy going over examination papers lastnight.

必须填写清楚本页封面上的资料。资料不全之功课将不获批改。Please COMPLETE ALL DETAILS or your homework may not be marked.

老师在学生作文字行间作批改。The teacher interlined corrections on the pupils' compositions.

三是作文纸可以装订成册,批改后在班内展示。Three is a thesis paper can binder, grade displayed after class.

因此最有效的方法就是批改作业。Therefore the most effective method is corrects students' papers.

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课后她批改作业,六点钟离校。After class she corrects their home work. She leaves school at six.

老师在批改我们的作业本以后,把它们发给我们。The teacher gave us the exercise books after he had corrected them.

佐伊·班尼斯特弓着身子,趴在她阳台的写字台上,批改着作业。Zoe Bannister hunched over her veranda desk, correcting exercise books.