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为什么回归单相睡眠?Why the return to monophasic sleep?

标准型单相感应电动机“,”Single phase Induction Motor, Standard Type.

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非标准型单相感应电动机“,”Single Phase Induction Motor, Non-Standard Type.

单相脉宽调制IOH额定三五安培每阶段。Single Phase IOH PWM rated at 35 Ampere per Phase.

永磁直流电机,220伏,50赫兹,单相。Permancet magnet DC motor, 220V, 50Hz, single phase.

提出一种单相自适应重合闸的新方案。A new scheme used in single-phase adaptive reclosure is proposed.

多相睡眠和单相睡眠是完全不同的感觉。Polyphasic sleep has a very different feel than monophasic sleep.

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单相气体产能方程有其自身的局限性。The deliverability equation of single-phase gas has its limitation.

在这类系统中,发生最多的是单相接地故障。The single-phase-to-earth fault in the system takes place frequently.

也可以表现为甲亢或甲减单相变化。It can also present as either phase of thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism.

与实验比较,两相流动状态比单相气体流动状态更接近于实际情况。Compared experiment, That is better than one-gas flow about gas-particle.

介绍一种电容自励式无刷单相同步发电机空载电势的计算方法。Presents a calculating method for no-load, voltage waveform of the generator.

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介绍单相电容电机变频调速的控制方法。The paper introduces the VVVF control method for single phase capacitor motor.

这些问题是否是由我们都采用了一种类似单相睡眠的方式造成的?Could these problems partially stem from our beloved monophasic sleep patterns?

第二部分是自己制作一个单相及三相高效防雷变压器模型。The second is to make a single-phase HELPT model and a three-phase HELPT model.

交易员将其买单与其它人的相同的衍生产品的卖单相撮合。The trader matches that order with someone selling the same type of derivative.

本机配置单相、三相电源电动机,供用户选择。Both single-phase power motor and three-phase power motor can be chose by users.

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即使是在传统的单相睡眠睡眠的状况下,喝咖啡依然会导致睡眠问题。And even on a monophasic sleep pattern, caffeine is known to cause sleep problems.

提出了一种配电网单相接地小电流故障选线保护新方法。A novel method for single-phase-to-ground fault relaying is presented in this paper.

单相2.0硅桥式整流器。最大的经常峰值反向电压50V。Single-phase 2.0 A silicon bridge rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 50V.