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这块玻璃有一道裂痕。There is a crack in the glass.

他们面前有个巨大的裂痕。A huge chasm gaped before them.

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电阻器芯片无裂痕。The resistor body is crack-free.

就是那琵琶琴的小裂痕。It is the little rift within the lute.

他们的婚姻出现了裂痕。A nuptial breach appeared between them.

感情用力过度,亦充满裂痕。Feelings of excessive force, full of cracks.

夏天地上都是裂痕。The ground was full of cracks in the summer.

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一不小心,可能就会把她揉皱甚至出现裂痕。A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.

电阻器芯片无裂痕、标记可辨。The resistor body is crack-free, and with a clear marking.

思路男性化抗议导致阿德勒与弗洛伊德之间的裂痕。Ideas about Masculine Protest led to a rift between Adler and Freud.

现在出现了一个急须弥补的财务裂痕。There is a big financing gap and this needs to be closed right away.

傲石砍凿愤怒裂痕。鲜花掩盖伤痕。Haughtiness chisels its anger in marble. Love covers it with flowers.

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“她暴露了我们整个体系中存在的许多缺陷和裂痕,”他说。"It has laid bare so many cracks and fissures in our system," he said.

像石狮子吐出裂痕斑驳,沾满涎水的翡翠色石珠。As if a stone lion shot out a fissured emerald bead covered with saliva.

随着贪婪和服从之间斗争的展开,大海被它自己的闪电劈出了裂痕。The sea crackled with its own lightning as greed warred against obedience.

可更多细小的裂痕却在这两个钉入铆钉的位置向钟的顶部延伸。A more subtle fracture now snakes from the rivets to the crown of the bell.

它吸满了暗藏于表面之下的紧张、裂痕和浪涌。It soaks up the tensions and flaws and currents that pull under the surface.

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时间长了也会使琴声暗哑。当裂痕慢慢扩大最后一切寂然无声。That by and by will make the music mute, and ever widening slowly silence all.

然而,在经过多年显然和谐的婚姻生活之后,他们之间开始出现裂痕。After years of apparently harmonious marriage, however, rifts began appearing.

钢管边沿水泥内衬,轻微裂痕、擦痕。Steel pipes with inner cement lining slightly cracked or scratched on the edge.