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你好,高教出版社。Hello. Higher Education Press.

把它寄给第一流的出版社。Offer it to the first-class houses.

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谢谢你,厦大出版社!Thank you, Xiamen University Press!

一家出版社被封闭了。One publishing house was closed down.

这是CABI出版社的网站。This is the website of CABI Publishing.

这家出版社出版教育书籍。This press publishes educational books.

CQ出版社是塞奇出版社的一个分支。CQ Press is a unit of Sage Publications.

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德克萨斯A&M出版社,大学城,德克萨斯。Texas A&M Press, College Station, Texas.

王荷生,1992,植物区系地理学,科学出版社。Wieser, J. 1992 Vegetation of the Earth.

出版社「集英社」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Shueisha".

厦大出版社无穷的创造力也令我惊叹。I have also marveled at XMUP's creativity.

出版社「白泉社」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Hakusensha".

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出版社「小学馆」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Shogakukan".

出版社「秋田书店」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Akitashoten".

他为一名杂志出版社自由撰稿。He freelanced pieces to a magazine publisher.

他借调到外文出版社工作去了。He is on loan to the Foreign Languages Press.

出版社「角川书店」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Kadokawashoten".

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语音学和音系学词典,译文出版社。Trask, A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology.

出版社出版了这位诗人的辑佚。Our press published this poet's scattered works.

他为一位杂志出版社自在撰稿。电脑城。He freelexcellentced pieces to a novel publisher.