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莲叶浸水洗净沥乾。Soak, clean and drain lotus leaf.

浸水后,良好的颜色保持性。Good colour retention after immersion.

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兽皮经浸水以后毛便容易拔下来。After soaking, the hides unhair easily.

秧苗要部分浸水才能种植。The seedlings need to grow partially submerged.

如浮球浸水,则自然会下沉。If a float gets water-logged, it will naturally sink.

浸水的杏黄小果,饱满圆溜。Armeniacum flooded the small fruits, full circle away.

就像把你脑袋浸水里,就更难出声了。It was even harder to yell when your head was underwater.

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洗礼是所有基督教徒都要经历的浸水净身仪式。Baptism is a water purification ritual practiced by all Christians.

冰坨能导致室内天花板和墙体浸水破坏。Ice dams can cause water damage to the interior ceilings and walls.

紧急舱底水吸管,是用来防止船舶浸水的。The emergency bilge suction is used to prevent flooding of the ship.

比赛期间,泳池内严禁进行游泳或浸水活动。No swimming or other non-designated water activities during the games.

如果新鲜水果实在太贵,就买那些冰冻的或者只浸水的罐装水果吧。If fresh fruit is too expensive, buy frozen or canned fruit packed in water.

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秋月——月光浸水水浸天,一派空明互回荡。Autumn Moon -- soaking water immersion days, a row of empty Ming mutual echo.

哦,阿曼达,他们什么时候才会让你独自己一人坐上那行刑的浸水刑椅?Oh, Amanda. When will they allow you to have a ducking stool all of your very own?

遥控器是精密制造,请勿重摔或浸水。The remote control is the precise manufacture, please not again falls or immerses.

勿于放入火中及避免浸水及避免剧烈碰撞。Do not put it into the fire and avoid soaking in water and avoid violent collision.

分析结果表明,只用高压力只能引起大孔隙的压缩,浸水后则各种尺寸的孔隙均变小。It is shown that the high vertical stress can only compress macropores to make them smaller.

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沼泽或者可能变成沼泽的地区、以及雨季容易浸水的地区都应当避免。Marshes or areas likely to become marshy or soggy during the rainy season should be avoided.

枯落物持水速度与浸水历时之间呈显著幂函数相关关系。The water-holding speed performs remarkable power function correlation with the soaked time.

而且,保水蛙会钻入浸水的土壤深达三英尺以上。Then, the water-holding frog burrows into the soggy earth to a depth of more than three feet!