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工农红军第十军。Workers and peasants' Ten Red Army.

中国工农红军也曾在这里的雪山草地里书写壮举。The Red Army men once wrote down their heroic feat here.

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现在与毛时代的工农红军和1950年代朝鲜半岛的志愿军相比发生了巨大变化。It is far from the peasant Army of Mao coming wave after wave into the Korean peninsula in the 1950’s.

“固定区域的割据”指工农红军建立比较巩固的革命根据地。Stable base areas were the relatively stable revolutionary base areas established by the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

1930年春参与创建中国工农红军第14军,任政治委员。In 1930spring participation founds the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' RedArmy 14th armed force, was appointed political commissioner.

创建于20世纪20年代的中国工农红军,军歌是其军事文化中的重要组成部分。The army songs of the Red Army were an important part of the military culture of the Chinese Workers-Peasants Red Army founded in the 1920s.

以张学良为首的东北军和以杨虎城为首的十七路军被蒋调到陕甘一带进攻中国工农红军。The North East army led by Zhang Xueliang and the 17th Route Army led by Yang Hucheng was deployed to Shaanxi-Gansu district to attack the Red Army.

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此外,大礼堂内还召开过许多重要会议,如工农红军第一次全国政治工作会议、红军家属代表大会等。In addition, the auditorium held a also in many important meetings, such as the first national peasants and the reds political work conference, the reds families congress, etc.

中国工农红军第二方面军是以红二军团和红六军团为主体组成的红军三大主力之一。The Second Front Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was one of three main forces of the Red Army, and its subjects are The Second Army Group and The Sixth Army Group.

中国工农红军抗日先遣队的失败,不能仅归于红军与国民党军队力量相差悬殊这一客观原因。The Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Advance Force can not attribute its failure only to the objective reason of the great disparity in force between the Red Army and the Kuomintang Force.