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该是移风易俗,禁放鞭炮的时候了。It's time to abandon the old, bad social traditions and prohibit the firecrackers.

遗体捐献对于科学普及、医学进步、殡葬改革、移风易俗和文明建设都有深远的社会意义。Donation of relique is important to not only medicine development, but the social civilization also.

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在思想文化上,加强对农民的教育,移风易俗。On the ideology and culture, CCP strengthened the education of peasants, and transformed the social traditions.

研究西府民俗文化的内涵和特征,将有助于移风易俗,开发利用民俗文化资源。The study of contents and characteristics of the culture helps transform the customs and harness the resources.

结果就是努力移风易俗,并把海滩和湖泊划分为FKK区域和禁止FKK的区域。The result was an effort to regulate the hobby more, and to demarcate beaches and lakes into FKK and clothed areas.

这样的事在当时竟然是很受赞扬的,可见移风易俗之难。Such a thing even at that time was very commendable , we can see the difficulties of changes in customs and traditions.

音乐欣赏的功能在于以“无声之乐”标识自由人格及移风易俗。Music appreciations function is manifesting free personality through noiseless music and transforming social traditions.

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音乐的最大作用在于“移风易俗”,最后能实现社会秩序的安定和统一。The most important function of the Music was refinement. At last, the music could make the social to be stability and unity.

同时,由于他深受儒家传统思想的影响,在对西方风俗的认识上又存在那个时代的特色,这些又决定了他对西方风俗的介绍没有起到应有的移风易俗的作用。At the same time, he was deeply influenced by the Confucian ideas and his introduction of the western customs failed to transform social traditions in China.

培养农民社会责任感,移风易俗,作社会新式农民,促进农村的和谐和农业的发展。Develop the social sense of responsibility of farmer, change custom, make the social modern style farmer, promote village of harmonious and the development of the agriculture.

认同教育的主要手段有合理性理论教育、行政强制、“利出一孔”的做法以及移风易俗。The main means include the education of rationality theory , the compulsion of administration, the action of profiting from one way and changing prevailing habits and customs.

这一移风易俗的变革是近代英国文明化的表现,这说明加强会共空间的革新是能推进社会的深层变革的。This change of reformation of manners is an embodiment of modem England's refinement, and it elucidates that reforming public space can also prompt society to the deep change.

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由于观念改变、移风易俗和市场培育都是漫长的工程,因此,维护已婚妇女的土地权益还需要制度的创新。Since the change of conception and customs and market education will be a prolonged process, institutional innovation is needed to protect the land contracting rights of married women.

文章尝试运用文化人类学功能学派理论分析这一文化现象,这对当代的移风易俗也具现实意义。This text tries to use function school's theory of the cultural anthropology to analyse this culture phenomenon, this has a realistic meaning to contemporary transforming social traditions, too.

最值得注意的是,士大夫通过宗族建设来移风易俗,维护社会秩序,造成宗族乡约化,进而组织化。What especially noted was that scholar-officials changed prevailing habits and customs and maintained public order from building clan, which made clan combined with community covenant and organized.