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你这分身已在我体内成形。This thy self-separation has taken body in me.

影迷的来信,秉宪都有认真的看,只是分身伐术无法一一回覆。He does read all fan letters but cannot reply to all.

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多琳沙利文被工作和生活缠着无法分身,但她正尝试着解决。Doreen Sullivan can't be in two places at once. But she tries.

这张相片示范分身空心,像虚无的空性。This photo demonstrates the hollow, void-like quality of Fen Shen.

我唯一遗憾的是,由于已有约定在先,我不能分身与会。I only regret that, due to prior commitments, I cannot be with you in person.

我问他感觉怎样,他回答我说"如果我能再好点的话,那我一定还可以再分身成两个人呢!When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins.

它可以提升你的DPS,但缺点在于,分身并不能触发巨力重击。It improves your DPS , but the down side it, your images can't trigger any Bashes.

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男人感到分身乏术时往往会烦躁愤怒。Men often get fidgety or irritable when they’re supposed to be in two places at once.

因而想与梦只是神在梦觉的不同状态下的分身。And therefore would like to dream but God Mengjue's avatar under different conditions.

那些洋娃娃是我的心血,但自己已经分身乏术,必须把主要精力放在时装设计上。I created it but I'm less involved now because I have to mind my own fashion collection.

中间和右边的图像两者是宋七力先生的精神自已,或分身。Sungchili. The middle and right images are both Mr. Sungchili's spiritual self, or Fen Shen.

她又想呆在家里看电视连续剧,又想和他一起去看电影,一时觉得分身无术。She was torn between staying at home to watch Tv play serial and going to the cinema with him.

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当你在一列驶过的火车上看到你的分身时,就到了安顿下来或聘请一名精神科医师的时候了。When you see your Doppelg?nger on a passing train, it is time to settle down or hire a shrink.

这些人把自己的生活投入到工作之中,无法从工作中分身。These people devote their lives to working and are unable to separate themselves from their work.

连续剧,又想和他一起去看电影,一时觉得分身无术。She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV play serial and going to the cinema with him.

如果有人问他近况怎样,他就会答道"如果我能再好点的话,那我一定还可以再分身成两个人呢!"When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I'd be twins!"

这张相片里,宋七力先生有意体现他的分身坐在他旁边。In this photograph, Mr. Sungchili has the intention of manifesting his Fen Shen sitting next to him.

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同样地,你的分身的宇宙,也是个体积相同的球体,并以他们所在的行星为中心。Likewise, the universes of your other selves are spheres of the same size centered on their planets.

公会内目前有一只10人开荒团队,并定期组织分身团活动。There is an active 10-man raid for progression and the guild also organizes alt raids on weekly basis.

他从前额发出一束光,这光照亮了整个宇宙,突然,分身诸佛出现了。He sent out a beam from his forehead, and that beam shot all around the cosmos, and suddenly they came.