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衷心祝愿大家圣诞快乐、新年纳福!Wish you have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year !

纳福最好的纸牌移动这个包16变种著名的纸牌游戏。Enjoy the best Solitaire mobile with this pack of 16 variants of the famous card game.

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在大门口旁可以挂上一个葫芦,一般认为可招财纳福。Hanging a gourd on the wall next to your front door is thought to bring wealth and fortune.

克拉莉莎知道,对于丧子的福克斯·克洛芙特太太以及贝克斯·伯纳福太太来说,战争还没有结束。Clarissa knows that the war is not over for Mrs Foxcroft or Lady Bexborough who have lost sons.

在农业星球,牧纳福牛是很常见的职业。那里的人民饲养纳福牛以获得它们的奶、肉和皮。Nerfherding is a common profession on agrarian worlds, where nerfs are raised for their milk, meat and hides.

马纳福特还表示,“这些人又不会戴着徽章跟我说,‘我是一名俄罗斯情报官员。’”Mr. Manafort added, "It's not like these people wear badges that say, 'I'm a Russian intelligence officer. '""

那一天是四月十五日,于是每年的这一天,人们都要相互泼水,以求消灾纳福。That day is April 15, so on this day each year, people have to doxbaeuh, in order to eliminate catastrophe fortune.

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进入大门,我们会看到一个照壁,叫做福德祠,那正是印证了“门迎百寿,院纳福德”。Enter the door, we will see a screen wall, called Fu Deci, it is confirms the "door welcome Baishou, the hospital Na Fude."

如此广大的分布范围导致大量基因杂交现象的发生,在纯血统纳福牛下出现了许多纳福牛亚种,它们彼此之间的外貌差异相当大。Such wide distribution has led to a broad genetic mix of races descended from mainline nerf stock, with subspecies looking quite different from one another.

北狮主要以娱乐为目的,而发源于广州的南狮更具有象征意义,其在舞狮活动中寄托着民众消灾除害、求吉纳福的美好意愿。Southern lion dancing, which originated in Guangzhou, is more symbolic. It is usually performed as a ceremony to scare away evil spirits and to summon good luck and fortune.

它们以古怪的脾气和刺鼻的体味闻名于世。几万年的畜牧业发展令它们得以散居在银河系各地。尽管其母星已被彻底摧毁,但纳福牛仍在许多别的星球上繁衍生息。Generations of ranching have led to their proliferation throughout the galaxy, so that nerfs continue to prosper on many planets even though their home world has since been obliterated.

新年来临之际,华拓超声波团队祝您2016已经硕果累累,来年工作更加顺利、财源滚滚、鸡年纳福。At the beginning of 2017 we wish all of you are going to close the year of 2016 successfully. Your HuaTuo ultrasonic team would like to thank you for your support and cooperation in 2016.

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特朗普竞选团主席保罗•马纳福特形容它是“一次伟大的演讲”,并在一次晨间例行发布会中称“很显然米歇尔•奥巴马对她的家庭也有着十分相似的情感。”Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman, described it as "a great speech" and said at a morning convention briefing that "obviously Michelle Obama feels very similar *sentiments toward her family".