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你真的很有品位。You have really good taste.

健谈,很有品位。Communicative, have a good taste.

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不文雅或没有教养和品位。Lacking tact, refinement, or taste.

你在衣着方面很有品位。You have a wonderful taste in clothes.

男人应该有品位,但不应赶时髦。Men should be stylish, not fashionable.

璀灿生辉,带你进入品位奢华生活世界。Sparkling, bring u to the luxury world.

蜗牛粥宣告品位革命的到来?。Snail porridge heralding changing tastes?

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室内设计反映了她的高品位。The interior design reflects her good taste.

我的价值观、品位和兴趣是什么?What are my values, my tastes, and my interests?

你想要设计拥有自己品位的书橱吗?Do you want to design your own taste of bookcase?

这里有合肥地区最有品位的餐厅服务员。There are the most politest waitress in Hefei here.

让你的个人空间成为宁静和品位的绿洲。Make your personal space an oasis of calm and taste.

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咬文嚼字的品位一下这篇英文写的文章。Read This Article in English With Chinese Characters

创造古迹销量,制造尖峰品位!Created miracle cotter quantity, create peak quality!

充分保证了产品的高质量,高品位。Fully guarantee the products high quality, high grade.

杂质少,是高品位的优质石英矿。Fewer impurities, the quality is high-grade quartz ore.

独特、高雅的品位与崭新的生活情趣。Distinctive, decorous grade and brand-new life interest.

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卡米拉长在贵族堆里,她的品位就好了?Kamila grows to pile in the noble in, is her grade good?

优质服务和优雅品位是金马的灵魂!Elegant taste and quality is the soul of Kingma and Matsu!

如果她的品位过于菜市场,就让她迅速可以去听和弦乐。If her taste is too down-market, she swiftly goes upscale.