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改革有伤风化的教会。To reform the corrupt morals of the church.

任何粗鄙或有伤风化的广告,应该删去。Any indecent advertisements need to be censored.

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他们认为这样的穿着有伤风化。They thought it was not moral to dress this way.

但这只是“有伤风化”的时尚。离合法有多远?。But what about just "risque" fashion. How far is this legal?

同时认为妇女参加网球运动,有伤风化。At the same time that women's participation in sport, corrupts.

这本书包含了一些难忘下流的角色及有伤风化的描述。The book includes some memorably seedy characters and scabrous description.

然而,我倒不认为,罹患肺病这一风险本身是“有伤风化”的。I don’t suppose it was the risk of lung ailments that was considered immoral.

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他竭力讲他那有伤风化的故事,大家开始感到厌恶了。To such lengths did he go with his risqué stories that everybody began to be disgusted.

1993年北卡罗莱纳州修改了“有伤风化的暴露法案”,将妇女当众晡乳排除在外。In 1993, North Carolina amended its indecent exposure law to exclude breastfeeding women.

主席作了有伤风化的演讲,尽是些双关语,幸亏设人真正听得懂。The chairperson made a risque speech full of double entendres which luckily no one quite understood.

即便是那些沃思科本想用来教会学生关于微妙的讽刺艺术的政治漫画,也太有伤风化。Wathke would have liked to use to teach his students about the delicate art of satire, are too risqué.

麦当娜还在上个月的格莱美颁奖现场穿了一套有伤风化的纪梵希定制束身衣。Meanwhile, Madonna turned heads in a risque custom-made Givenchy corset at The Grammy Awards last month.

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泰晤士威利警署的发言人证实两人已被逮捕并被警告有伤风化。A spokesman from Thames Valley police confirmed that two people had been arrested and cautioned for outraging public decency.

有伤风化的“裸体新闻”近日在日本推出时事新闻服务,这档节目的特点就是主持人和记者一边播报新闻一边脱光衣服。Naked news which features anchors and reporters who disrobe during newscasts launched its risque take on current affairs in japan.

中国的首个性主题公园,还没有对外开放就落了个清拆的下场,原因是官员认为公园“有伤风化”。China's first sex theme park has fallen to the wrecker's ball before it even opened, after officials deemed it an "evil" influence.

对方常常是一听来意,就婉拒或推委,“觉得这有伤风化、有损形象”。The other is often a malicious, or on the decline of the Selection Committee, "think this is immoral, and detrimental to the image."

将近20年过去后,曾让守旧者哀叹不已的——对选手身着比基尼“有伤风化”的担忧,几乎都烟消云散。Nearly two decades later, concerns about the "unhealthy wind" of bikini-clad contestants, as traditionalists once bemoaned, has all but disappeared.

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其结果是演出中出现大量的把酒狂饮、骨盆碰撞和赤膊上阵的舞男,肯定比典型的京剧更有伤风化。The result is a production decidedly more risque than the typical Peking opera, with plenty of wine guzzling, pelvic thrusts and shirtless male dancers.

其结果是演出中出现大量的把酒狂饮、骨盆碰撞和赤膊上阵的舞男,肯定比典型的京剧更有伤风化。The result is a production decidedly more risqué than the typical Peking opera, with plenty of wine guzzling, pelvic thrusts and shirtless male dancers.

侦查实验,禁止一切足以造成危险、侮辱人格或者有伤风化的行为。In conducting investigative experiments, it shall be forbidden to take any action which is hazardous, humiliating to anyone, or offensive to public morals.