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无论如何,它注定是两个人,同呼吸。Anyway, it had to be two minds, one destiny.

姚会和火箭队同呼吸,共命运的。Yao will be a Houston Rocket as long as he can breathe.

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他认识到他必须和人民同呼吸,创作人民需要的音乐。He realized that he must feel with the people and write the music they need.

公平价值作为法律制度的基本价值,与法律制度同呼吸、共命运,可谓息息相关。As the essence value of the law system, the justice value has big relations with the law system.

我强烈地认为与地球同呼吸同命运的每个人都有伟大的内心。It is my fervent belief that there is greatness inside each and every person who takes breath on this earth.

当同呼吸控制结合在一起时,就成为实现无意识屏息的更为有效的手段。When combined with breath control and awareness it is an even more powerful means to attain kevala kumbhaka.

在胡安尼塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己说来早就是如同呼吸一样不费气力的自然本能了。Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.

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在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了。For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.

党只有始终与人民心连心、同呼吸、共命运,始终依靠人民推动历史前进,才能做到坚如磐石。The CPC can only be stable when it dedicates its soul and mind to the people, and relies on the people to push forward historical advancement.

而可能更重要的是,你也从未将你的注意力分给那些与你同呼吸的两足哺乳动物上。And, perhaps as importantly, you also can never devote your undivided attention to the biped mammals who are breathing air in the room with you.

热切期望我这拳拳寸草心、浓浓赤诚情能与您同呼吸、共命运、同发展、求进步。I earnestly hope that this kind Carex heart, deep feelings with absolute sincerity that you share a common fate with the development, to make progress.

患有相同呼吸并发症患者中,肥胖患者死亡的几率小于非肥胖者。Obese surgical patients were far less likely to die of a couple of specific respiratory problems than were non-obese patients with the same complications.

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肥胖呼吸困难者在医院死亡的概率与患有相同呼吸病的非肥胖患者相比少了三分之一。And their risk of dying in the hospital from these breathing difficulties was less than a third that of the non-obese patients who developed the same respiratory challenges.

我们应当同合作社社员、合作社干部和县、区、乡干部共命运,同呼吸,不要挫折他们的积极性。We should identify ourselves heart and soul with the members and cadres of the co-operatives and with the county, district and township cadres, and not thwart their enthusiasm.

方法对33例临床和HRCT检查确诊的支气管扩张的病人,使用螺旋CT分别进行了不同呼吸时相的连续容积数据模式扫描。Methods 33 patients with bronchiectasis were diagnosed by clinical data and HRCT scan, and scanned using spiral CT at end inspiration and expiration in continuous volume scan mode.