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它对我来说是一种奢侈。It is a luxury to me.

他们沉溺于奢侈的生活中。They wallowed in luxury.

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奢侈最终导致贫困。Extravagance ends in want.

对你们来说那是奢侈的问题。For you it is about luxury.

奢侈的中产阶级家庭时髦小美女。Posh middle-class child chic.

我们可以换个方式奢侈一下。We can luxuriate for a change.

仁义道德,也是一种奢侈。Virtue is no more than a luxury.

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时间是不可复制的奢侈。Time is the irreproducible luxury.

它诠释出财富和奢侈。It conveys wealth and extravagance.

你怎么看待奢侈品牌?What do you think of luxury brands?

你最奢侈的东西是什么?What is your greatest extravagance?

奢侈的人攒不下钱。Extravagant people never save money.

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奢侈了怎么处罚?How to penalize the luxury officers?

如果你喜欢的话可以在马斯喀特过得很奢侈。Muscat can do luxury if you want it.

它只有外面休息室一半大小的面积,有两个便座和两个洗手池、这太奢侈了!It had only two seats with two sinks.

他是个放荡、奢侈、吊儿郎当的人。He is a dissipated, extravagant idler.

我真的过得不算太奢侈。I don’t really have many extravagances.

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她沉湎于旅馆豪华奢侈的享乐之中。She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel.

这个年轻人过着奢侈的生活。This young man has lived improvident life.

在1975-1981年我们可没有这么奢侈的条件。We didn't have that luxury from 1975-1981.