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什么是无条件刺激?What's the unconditioned stimulus?

这里的无条件刺激是什么?What's the unconditioned stimulus?

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什么是条件刺激,暴力行为。What's the conditioned stimulus? Violence.

身边都是他的条件刺激。Those are all the--his conditioned stimulus.

有谁来回答一下,什么是无条件刺激?Okay. Anybody, what's the unconditioned stimulus?

那么,条件刺激又是什么,老鼠。So there--what would be the conditioned stimulus? The rat.

条件反应是对无条件刺激的一种准备。The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus.

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如何令条件刺激,条件反应消失呢?How do you make conditioned stimulus, conditioned response things go away?

这就是所谓的,条件刺激引起了条件反应。And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response.

强化尝试是指条件刺激,与无条件刺激同时出现的时候。A reinforced trial is when the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus go together.

而这时狗的存在就变成了条件刺激,所以你开始对狗心生恐惧。But the presence of the dog there is a conditioned stimulus and so you grew to be afraid of dogs.

找出在非条件刺激不存在的情况下,能够使你感到恐惧的东西。Well, you show the thing that would cause you to have the fear without the unconditioned stimulus.

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发生的事情不过是,无条件刺激与条件刺激,铃声与食物,因为恰巧同时出现而联系在了一起。So, what happens is the UCS and the CS, the bell and the food, go together because they happen at the same time.

本文可为昆虫滞育如何应答环境条件刺激的研究提供参考信息。This review may provide some reference to understanding the mechanisms of diapausing insect response to environmental stimuli.

这里的意思是说,无条件刺激与条件刺激的反复匹配,会引起条件反应。So, the idea here is, repeated pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus will give rise to the response.

大鼠肝卵圆细胞能在体外传代培养,在一定条件刺激下可诱导分化为肝细胞。Rat HOCs can be passaged and cultured in vitro. Under a certain condition, HOCs can be induced and differentiated into hepatocytes.

但学习会在条件刺激与条件反应之间,建立起另一种联结。But what happens through learning is that another association develops that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.

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巴甫洛夫给狗喂食,狗会分泌唾液,这就是无条件刺激引起了无条件反应。When Pavlov put food powder in the dog's mouth and saliva was generated, that's an unconditioned stimulus giving rise to an unconditioned response.

当无条件刺激与条件刺激同时出现时,经典条件作用的效果最强,两种刺激所引起的反应是相同的。And so classical conditioning should be the strongest when these two are simultaneous and the response to one is the same as the response to the other.

条件刺激与非条件刺激结合8—15次后出现条件反射,结合30—40次后条件反射趋向巩固。After 8—15 applications of the photic stimulus with reinforcement the conditioned motor response appeared, and after 30—40 applications it was stabilized.