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劈开竹筒,就可以吃饭了!Split bamboo, you can lunch!

竹筒当作水烟袋。Bamboo tubes are used as hookah.

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可是,他的嗓子太差,象干裂竹筒。But he had a bad voice just like a dried-up bamboo tube.

我要推荐的就是“竹筒饭”。I have to recommend the traditional food " Bamboo rice ".

用竹筒装米密封烤熟,称“筒粽”。Install meters with bamboo baked, called "sealed canister."

竹筒钣和山兰酒是黎族的特色食蕊。The bamboo rice and the Shanlan wine are the special food of Li nationality.

­黎族人可以在空心竹子里做竹筒饭,从而形成一种独特的风味。Li people can cook rice in a hollow piece of bamboo which gives it a distinctive flavor.

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倚在墙边的大竹筒里装满了水,我尝了一口,水清凉可口。By the wall was a large bamboo tube full of water. I took a sip and found it really cool!

笙是一种簧管类乐器,由一定数目的竹筒及簧片组成。Sheng is a mouth-blown free reed instrument consisting essentially of vertical bamboo pipes.

目的观察壮医药物竹筒拔罐治疗痹病的疗效。Objective To observe the curative effect of Zhuang medicine Bazhuguan for arthralgia-syndrome.

走下礼台时,很巧地,我从国香师姑手中接下了我的第一个竹筒。While walking down from the stage, I received my first bamboo bank from, coincidently Guo Xiang SG.

在这个前院的左侧,没关系收费支付竹筒举办求签。In this front courtyard left side, you may free receive the bamboo tube to carry on ask the bamboo slip.

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燃烧的竹筒在风雨中从村民们手中一个一个传递下去,加油助威的口号沸腾了整个小村庄。The flaming bamboos were handed on in their hands, and their cheering could be heard everywhere in the rain.

你听过用竹筒敲击出来的高山族男人们那一份狂欢与豪放吗!Have you ever heard of the bold and unconstrained bamboo drum performance presented by the menfolk of Gaoshan nationality?

是一个小竹筒,里面有一封信。沉消展开看了看却深深蹙眉。Is a small tube-shaped container, in have a letter. Sink to eliminate to fire to took a look merely profoundly Cu eyebrow.

实际上,我坚信女人更喜欢一个男人郁郁无言甚过于像竹筒倒豆子似的,什么都说。I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be glumly uncommunicative than spill his guts at the drop of a hat.

一元到码头给佳期送行,洪炳把一支木拐杖、行囊、药包及竹筒等物品带给佳期。One yuan to the dock to be yours, HongBing put a wooden stick, bags, charge, and the article such as bamboo tube to be yours.

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此菜用瓜刻成马拉轺车,车厢内装有许多类似竹筒卷起的饼和肉。The chef carves the melon like the shape of a horse drawing a cart, put some cakes and meats in it just like the bamboo slip.

采用变化多样的声调、语调、语速以及长短变换的句子,每个重点部分要注意发音清晰、语速缓慢并稍作停顿,不要竹筒倒豆子。Vary the tone, pitch, speed and sentence length of your speech. Speak clearly and slowly, pausing after each important point.

过膝高的石砌井栏,很宽,上面放着许多带柄的毛竹筒,俯身伸手便可舀到水。There is a wide stone circle and on the mouth of the well. There are many handle's bamboo tubes. So that students ladle up water.