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快面女起床!Get up soon.

他起床了没有?Is he up yet?

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你天刚亮就起床吗?Get up at dawn?

我七点钟起床。I get up at seven.

起床,懒鬼。Wake up, sleepyhead.

我真不想起床淘宝登陆,听听试读。I don't wanna get up.

快起床,你这懒骨头!Get up, you lazybones.

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我现在就要起床吗?。Dol have to get up now?

我起床比你起得早。I get up early than you.

我每天六点钟起床。I getup at six everyday.

俞敏洪很早就起床。Mr Yu got up very early.

我总是到8点钟才起床。I always get up until 8am.

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如古她能够曾经起床了。She might have got up now.

他通常下午五点钟起床。He usually gets up at 1700.

我起床比你起得早!I get up earlier than you do.

现在六点了。起床了,亲爱的!Its six oclock. Get up, dear!

醒一醒,起床时间到了。Wake up. It's time to get up.

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妈妈叫我早点儿起床。Mam hounds me to get up early.

我的妈妈六点半起床。My mom wakes up at six-thirty.

那个病人起床外出走动了。The patient was out and about.