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他手臂挂彩了。He was wounded in the arm.

他的挂彩使他有法负任这份农做。His back injury had rendered him unfit for work.

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分开后一看两方都挂彩了回到家后。Apart a look after both sides the wounded back to home.

他两条腿都挂彩了,人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel.

打球的人从高空掉下来,脑袋撞在硬梆梆的铁球上,还有各种各样能让他们严重挂彩的伤害。People fall from great heights, get hit in the head by solid iron balls, and do all sorts of things which should cause serious harm.

但这两个中,有一个显然是受了惊吓而非挂彩,因为他又一骨碌爬起来,立刻便消失在了树林里。But of these, one was evidently more frightened than hurt, for he was on his feet again in a crack, and instantly disappeared among the trees.

2010年12月21日星期二,美国内华达州里诺市的一家酒店的屋顶上摆着一棵“装灯挂彩”的圣诞树。A full moon rises behind a Christmas tree made of lights mounted on the roof of a hotel-casino in downtown Reno, Nev. early in the evening on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010.

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因此安迪脸上偶尔会挂彩,在博格斯被打约六或八个月后,他还断了两根指头。So Andy would turn up with bruises on his face every once in a while, and there was the matter of the two broken fingers six or eight months after Diamond's beating.

最后蓝军打算直接进行表决,绿营不服,于是双方爆发严重的肢体冲突,双方都有人挂彩。In the end, the KMT decided to simply go ahead with the vote, but the DPP could not accept this, so a serious physical conflict erupted between them with injuries on both sides.

据说三浦与突击队作战掉利,中村派福田援助,两股日军连夜搜山,发现了突击队的下落,睁开攻逼,宫野美挂彩。Miura and commando is said to be off, nakamura fukuda aid, two Japanese overnight search mountain, found the whereabouts of the commandos, opened his attack force, miyagi injured.

报导说,24岁的女空服员与一名副驾驶在该事件中挂彩,警方以机师触犯「对妇女施暴」罪嫌受理本案。The 24-year-old female crew member and a co-pilot both suffered bruises in the incident and police have registered a case against the pilots for "outraging the modesty of a woman, " it said.