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你或者你的挚爱焦躁时,要学着理解通融。Be understanding if you or your loved one is upset.

我们是尽可能地通融迁就你的。As much as we would like to accommodate you, Miss Roffe.

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希望你方不要认为我们是不肯通融的。We sincerely hope that you will not think us unaccommodating.

鉴于我们的友好关系,我们特作此项通融。We extend you this accommodation in view of our friendly relations.

但此理并非一外在于人心的客体,而是与“心”通融为一的。However, this reason is an object not outside but united with human mind.

所谓的“通融”就是用金钱换取房产商的默许。The so-called "accommodation" is the money for the director acquiescence.

我同意了,认为自己在这一点上表示通融是做得对的。I accorded it, deeming that i did well in showing pliability on the point.

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当然你也需要医院行政部门的通融,”她说道。And of course, you need a hospital administration that is accommodating, " she said.

当人们是如此通融,又善于奉承时,你必须比我说“不”时更坚定。You have to be tougher than I am to say no when people are so accommodating and flattering.

由于我们必须坚持我们的一贯做法,我们希望你不要认为我们是不羚肯通融的。As we must adhere to our customary practice, we hope that you will not think us unaccommodating.

由于我们必须坚持我们的一贯做法,我们希望你不要认为我们是不膻肯通融的。As we must adhere to our customary practice, we hope that you will not think us unaccommodating.

这种交情的存在是否会给你在工作中获得格外通融的权利呢?Does the existence of this informal relationship give you the right to stretch the rules of the work environment?

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有的人声称自己从未接到驱赶令,或者告诉我他们已经和所有者商量好了通融。Some claim they never knew they were foreclosed on or tell me that they have worked something out with their lender.

因为即使是最可通融的老板也希望他们的员工能尽职尽责工作,就像大部分员工都希望自己成为有用之才。Even the most flexible employers want their people to do a good job, just as most employees want to be useful workers.

但这并不能作为我们以后生意援引的先例。通融只限于这笔交易。But this should not be regarded as a precedent for our future business. The accommodation is only for this transaction.

不过,如果人们觉得自己能够帮上别人的忙,他们也乐意稍微通融一下。However, people are willing to go out of their way or bend the rules a little if they feel they can do someone a favor.

通融其他分配器的怪异行为以保持和它们的插件式兼容可能降低灵活性和性能。Accommodating the oddities of other allocators to remain plug-compatible with them can reduce flexibility and performance.

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虽然卡扎菲在参加国际外交事务时可以不用英语,领事馆的繁文缛节却不接受这样的通融。But while Qaddafi could conduct international diplomacy without using English, consular bureaucracy is far less accommodating.

他已经想出了一个万全之策,而成败仅取决于他说服的技巧和他的朋友是否能通融了。He had a foolproof strategy. It just depended on his powers of persuasion and how much a friend of his was willing to bend the rules.

可以相信,陈孟昕的艺术因其在学理与语言上的通融兼善,具备了更为宽广的发展前景。I believe that Chen Mengxin's art, because of the academic and artistic language accommodation, has a broad prospect for development.