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橄榄油是海鲜饭的基本佐料。Olive oil is basic to paella.

烧鱼用什么佐料最好?What sauces go best with fish?

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人们说高朋满座是最佳的佐料。They say the best sauce is company.

第一页是吃火锅用的佐料。The first page is all dipping sauce.

我用了特别的佐料和自制蕃茄酱。I use a special dressing and homemade catsup.

我用了特别的佐料和自制的番茄酱。I use a special dressing and homemade catsup.

香料和佐料。丁子香花蕾。规范。Spices and condiments. Cloves. Specifications.

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粤菜的主要佐料是什么?What are the main condiments of Cantonese dishes?

主厨师为沙拉准备了独特的美乃滋佐料。The chef had prepared his special mayonnaise sauce for the salad.

标准做法中还有姜黄、香菜、姜和红辣椒为佐料。Standard spices include turmeric, coriander, ginger and red chilli.

服务生忘了拿山葵佐料,他很恼火。He was annoyed that the waiter forgot to bring the horseradish sauce.

在这一地区众所周知的辛辣食谱中,辣椒也是一味重要的佐料。Peppers are an essential ingredient in the region's notoriously spicy cuisine.

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用刺参、鸽蛋加佐料放入砂锅,清汤喂透。With Sea Cucumber, pigeon eggs relish into the casserole, soup thoroughly fed.

蔬菜或香草冻通常作为羔羊肉或其它肉食品的佐料。Vegetable and herb jellies traditionally complement lamb and other meat dishes.

然后,将熟肉片夹出,放进备有各种调味品的佐料中沾一沾,就可以吃了。Then take the slices out and dip them in the mixture of condiments and relishes.

并用新鲜的水去煮--不添加任何佐料,直至豆类变得软熟。Cook them in fresh unsalted water with no seasonings at all until they are tender.

另外,你找些好玩的佐料压榨瓶,让孩子自己挤出番茄酱。Look for fun condiment squeeze bottles and let kids squeeze out their own ketchup.

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甜椒的果实其果,用来烧菜,做色拉或绿橄榄的佐料。The fruit of this plant, used in cookery, Salad, and as stuffing for green olives.

艺术是我生活里离不了的佐料,艺术和谁都有或多或少的渊源。Art is my life not from the ingredients, the arts and who are the source of more or less.

才谷屋为您提供著名的土佐料理以及同样美味的日本酒、清酒。We supply delectable Japanese wine and fine rice wine and Japanese authentic food as well.