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查下,第一通道。Check aisle one.

集群发送器通道。Cluster sender channel.

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其中没有通道对应的节。There is no channel stanza.

语音通道处理器?。VCP? Voice Channel Processor?

垂直通道计算机?。VCC? Vertical Channel Computer?

我们穿过一条狭窄的通道。We threaded along a narrow pass.

它成了新手们上网的通道。It became the onramp for newbies.

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你家有一个消防通道…You have a fire exit in your house.

走右边的通道会遇到尤玛索尔。Going right will lead to Uammaethor.

赫尔,请打开辅助舱通道门。Open the pod bay doors, please, Hal.

哈尔,请打开辅助舱通道门。Open the pod bay doors, please. HAL.

用于铺在冰冷的通道上猫砂或者是沙土。cat litter or sand for icy walkways.

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这房子有一条地下通道。The house has an underground passage.

房屋下方有地下通道。There is a underpass under the house.

我们开辟通道穿过茂密的树林。We tunnelled through the thick woods.

集装箱快速通关、绿色通道。Container fast track and green channel.

留出阀门和清洁口的通道Keeping access to valves and cleanouts.

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我们穿过狭窄的通道。We threaded through the narrow passage.

不要停在右转通道上,阻碍他人转弯。Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane.

考虑一个实际使用的通道示例。Consider an example of channels at work.