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老虎竟然会吃萝卜,真是咄咄怪事!A tiger eats carrots? How strange is that!

接下来在她身上发生了咄咄怪事。Then something very strange had happened to her.

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亚特兰大一家加油站,发生了咄咄怪事。And in Atlanta, a bizarre incident at a gas station.

在这么一个富饶的国度中竟有这么多穷人真是咄咄怪事。It is paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people.

在这麽一个富有的国家中竟有这麽多穷人,真是咄咄怪事。It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people.

在一个国家必须勒紧腰带的时候,这种提案的出现真是咄咄怪事。in a period when the state must tighten its belt it is an extraordinary proposal.

但是,遥想到当年他和手下圈子里的那些咄咄怪事,此刻的我们仍不免愕然。But it is still astonishing to be reminded of quite how odd Nixon and his circle were.

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尼日利亚三角洲的纷扰,竟能影响到鸡蛋的价格,真是咄咄怪事。The chaos in the Niger delta, it turns out, has a surprising amount to do with the price of eggs.

但是,遥想到当年他和手下圈子里的那些咄咄怪事,此刻的我们仍不免愕然。But it is still astonishing to be reminded of quite how odd Nixon and his circle were. He wore a necktie when he was in his dressing gown.

一个十七岁的大姑娘,第一次出远门归来,做父母的居然一次也没有想到她的心,真是咄咄怪事!They never once thought of her heart, which, for the parents of a young lady of seventeen, just returned from her first excursion from home, was odd enough!

拿动物去殉葬,在这个现代文明社会里,岂非咄咄怪事。一个文明的国家竟敢乱杀无辜。Object to holding animals in the modern civilized society, not the aggressiveness Strange things. A civilized country dare to kill innocent people indiscriminately.