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刑事犯也有人权。Criminals also have human rights.

法伦警告说,研究刑事犯的大脑是一个年轻的领域。Fallon cautions that this is a young field.

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刑事犯被关在岛上的牢房里。Criminals are kept in the cages on this island.

刑事犯的恢复声誉可能包括三个截然不同的含义。Rehabilitation of prisoners may carry three distinct meanings.

刑事犯的大脑一直让詹姆斯-法伦着迷。The criminal brain has always held a fascination for James Fallon.

由于一次轻微的过错他蒙受了普通刑事犯的污名。Because of one insignificant offence he was branded a common criminal.

我在负责刑事犯病人的护士长的办公室里见到了拜妲。We met Baida in the office of the head nurse for the criminally insane.

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前头的大车每辆坐着六个刑事犯,很拥挤。In each of the first carts sat six invalid criminal convicts, close packed.

这个前刑事犯将这一“惨剧”拍照留念之后,把照片送到家庭主妇的眼前作为其杀人的证据。The ex-convict photographed Araujo and sent the picture to the 'cheated' wife saying he had killed her.

预算案禁止对拒绝向美国引渡暴力刑事犯的国家提供援助。The bill would prohibit assistance to countries that refuse to extradite violent criminals to the United States.

他指责阿尔?帕约“进入拉美裔人居民区并围捕民众”却忽视了许多普通刑事犯。Mr Arpaio "goes into Hispanic neighbourhoods and rounds up people" while neglecting many ordinary criminals, he charges.

约300名囚犯---数百名刑事犯和政治犯被关押在这个条件异常恶劣的岛上。Some 300 prisoners—hardened criminals and political dissidents—were incarcerated there under extremely harsh conditions.

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没想到当局为搪塞报界,竟捏造了如玉倒卖军火的罪名,以刑事犯处以死刑。Did not expect the authorities to stall the press was invented as jade in weapons charges, to a criminal sentenced to death.

但是他的一生,引发了民众对基层刑事犯管理的热议——并且必将持续很长一段时间。But his life raised many questions about the management of the country's criminal underclass — issues that will reverberate for a long time.

社论称,跟普通刑事犯不一样,斯诺登没伤害任何人,他的“罪行”是揭发美国政府侵犯公民权利。"Unlike a common criminal, Snowden did not hurt anybody. His 'crime' was that he blew the whistle on the US government's violation of civil rights, " it said.

他身材颀长,一头银发,五十开外年纪,是犯罪集团组织的军师,也是全国最精明的刑事犯辩护律师。Michael Moretti's attorney was a tall, silver-haired man in his fifties, the consigliere for the Syndicate, and one of the shrewdest criminal lawyers in the country.

在制裁法的体系中,对于不法行为既有刑事不法及行政不法之别,而形成不同之制裁法系统,从而刑事犯与行政犯即应有所区别。Since there are different sanction systems for criminal illegal and administrative illegal, a criminal should be recognized differently with a administrative offense.

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1854年,拿破仑三世设立了这个流放地。在1938年被正式关闭前,共关押过80,000名法国囚犯---有刑事犯,间谍和政治犯。Napoleon III established the penal colony in 1854, and some 80,000 French convicts—criminals, spies and political prisoners—would be sent there before it officially closed in 1938.

同时这个项目也让他们充满了背叛感,因此这个措施一度被认为旨在那些具有危险性的已经定罪的刑事犯,事实上却并非如此。And they feel betrayed because what the administration once billed as a transparent, voluntary program aimed only at dangerous convicted criminals turns out to be none of those things.