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痔疮患者需要特别注意这点。Hemorrhoid sufferers should be extra careful.

怎样可以让痔疮出血停止?How can you let haemorrhoid haemorrhage stop?

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如果痔疮出血,这是一个严重的案件。If a hemorrhoid bleeds, that's a severe case.

芙蓉区治痔疮去哪好?。Furong District, where a good cure hemorrhoids?

痔疮是临床上最常见的疾病之一。Hemorrhoid is the most common disease in clinic.

痔疮在饮食方面应该注意什么啊?What should haemorrhoid notice in dietary respect?

这就是为什么痔疮是常见的,所以在怀孕。This is why haemorrhoids are so common in pregnancy.

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实习医师继续说道“我认为她其实就是痔疮而已”The intern continued, "I think she has a hemorrhoid."

它们看起来很糟糕,是多年以来我所看到的最糟糕的痔疮。They looked awful. The worst piles I had seen in ages.

这些被称为脱垂或脱垂痔疮。These are known as prolapsed or prolapsing haemorrhoids.

可以用“马应龙痔疮膏”外用就行了。Can use " Ma Yinglong haemorrhoid creams " external use went.

哥哥告诉你不能老去上学,坐着坐着得痔疮,疼!Brother told you can't go to school, sit sit hemorrhoids, pain!

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结论该药对痔疮有较好治疗作用。CONCLUSION The drug has favorable treatment action on haemorrhoid.

对于痔疮患者而言,那些静脉持续肿胀且有时流血。In hemorrhoid patients, those veins stay swollen and sometimes bleed.

有一个上市的事,你可以做你自己治好痔疮。There is a listing of things you can do yourself to cure hemorrhoids.

金盏菊花卉已广泛使用在中国医治痔疮。Calendula flower has been extensive used in China to heal hemorrhoids.

便秘问题解除了,痔疮那颗东西真的会渐渐消失吗?Costive problem removed, does that thing meet haemorrhoid really swoon?

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目的制定痔疮栓的质量标准。Objective To establish a quality standard for haemorrhoids suppository.

在平均15个月的追踪期中,没有任何痔疮复发。There were no recurrent hemorrhoids with a mean follow-up of 15 months.

痔疮虽然很不舒服,不过好在并非危险病症。The good news is that piles may be uncomfortable but are rarely dangerous.