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他在兑奖售物活动中赢得了一辆汽车。He won a car in the raffle.

让我们去彩票中心兑奖吧。Let's go to the lottery center to cash it.

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入场券副券信息请认真填写,以免影响兑奖。Please fill in the vice ticket seriously, for the purpose of accepting the award.

但如果这些兑奖人得到了提前挑选的中奖彩票,那就很难会被发现。But if those cashers were getting prepicked winners, that could be hard to uncover.

兴奋之中,他决定饭后散步到加油站去兑奖。Delighted, he decided to take a lunchtime walk to the gas station to cash in his ticket.

该部门工作人员一口否认了方便面卡片有兑奖一说。This department staff denied flatly the instant noodles card to have exchange a prize saying.

一旦进行积分兑奖,兑换部分积分将从卡内清除。Once the bonus points are redeemed for gifts, the redeemed scores shall be eliminated from the card.

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审计员将单个个人得到高额奖金归因于专门兑奖人的存在。The auditor attributed the high number of payouts going to single individuals to professional cashers.

这位幸运儿将现身兑奖,这迄今为止全国范围内金额最高的彩票大奖。The lucky winner will step forward to claim the prize, which is the country's biggest jackpot to date.

你可以看到各个年龄段的、各行各业的人们在挑选号码或揭刮即时兑奖彩票。You'll see people of all ages and from all walks of life picking numbers and scratching off instant tickets.

这些兑奖人拿别人中奖的彩票来兑奖——他们被支付一定比例的报酬——这样真正的赢家就可以避免税款。These cashers turn in others’ winning tickets—they are paid a small percentage—so the real winners can avoid taxes.

获得幸运抽奖的参赛者,请在主持人宣布获奖号码后,持号码布到兑奖区进行兑奖。After the MC has announced the lucky numbers, winners should take their race number to the awards area to claim their prize.

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但是好运很快溜走了,一窃贼偷走了他装有那张二等奖彩票的钱包,彩票公司因此拒绝兑奖。徐海燕译。But luck soon ran out since a thief stole the wallet with the second winning ticket and the lottery company refused to pay up without it.

我拨通了彩票兑奖中心的电话,说,是这样的,我中了两亿四千万的大奖,但现在似乎有点小麻烦,我找不到那张彩票了。I picked up my cell-phone to call the lottery claims office. Listen I won the 240 million dollar jackpot, but there seems to be a slight problem.

会员卡内积分自会员卡到期之日起作废,将不再参与积分兑奖活动。The bonus points in the membership card shall become invalid at the maturity of the card and shall not be used for the bonus point redemption any more.

活动终点在世纪公园内,到达终点后请参加终点活动,观看表演并等待兑奖。The ending point is inside Century Park, please take park in the Olympics show and wait for performances and lucky prizes after getting to the finish line.

小班幼儿参加4个、中班幼儿参加5个、大班幼儿参加6个能干宝宝活动,分别集到4、5、6个印章后,到兑奖处兑换新年礼物。The small child in 4, 2 children attending 5, preschoolers attending 6 capable baby activities, are set to 4, 5, 6 seal, to reward exchange at New Year's gift.

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由于号码和名字可能混合,在您兑奖前,请您此对的获奖信息暂予保密。Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to you.

页面的最下方有“公正信息”,点击进去,显示的是北京市公证处公证书,提示中奖者可以放心兑奖。Of the page most lower part has " just information " , click go in, those who show is notarial deed of Beijing notarization place, clew win a prize in a lottery person can be at ease add award.