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不可为自己铸造神像。Do not make cast idols.

造币厂正在铸造每枚价值一便士的硬币。The mint is coining pennies.

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人衣乃铸造之铁。The human dress is forged iron.

单一片面铝铸造件。Single sided aluminum cast piece.

领导是天生的还是后天铸造的?Are leaders born, or are they made?

好域名铸造大品牌!Good Domain Name casting big brand!

学究铸造新学说。The academics forging new theories.

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这个铸造车间一天出八炉。The foundry runs eight heats a day.

他由苦难铸造而成。He's made by steeling, by suffering.

大型方柱铸造和表。Large square column casting and table.

南通刀剑铸造欢迎您!Thank you for visitng Nt Swords Forge!

明代是铸造铁狮子最多的朝代。Most of them were cast in Ming dynasty.

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采用呋喃树脂砂型铸造。The casting is cast in furan sand mould.

嘉辉卫浴铸造有限公司。Jiahui Cast-Iron Sanitary-Ware Co. , Ltd.

砂型铸造用于生产大的零件。Sand casting is used to make large parts.

所有的剑都是由钢铁铸造而成。All swords are forged from iron and steel.

砂箱铸造车间内保持砂模用的框架。A frame for holding a sand mold in a foundry.

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美国黑色金属铸造业。Ferrous Metal Foundries Industry in the U. S.

它涉及到了很多的铸造和锻造。It involves a lot of casting out and smiting.

建筑中许多铸铁构件经重新铸造得以更换。Much of the cast-iron was recast and replaced.