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我也一直试着不去惹是生非,所以他们也省事了。I’ve always tried to stay out of trouble so they never have to.

微波炉晚餐和实时餐点使得在家烧饭省事又快速。Microwave dinners and instant foods make cooking at home a snap.

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过硬的质量,完善的服务,让您省钱省心省事。Excellent quality, perfect service, allows you to save money worry.

为了省事,这款游戏缺少了其他游戏中的常见元素。To keep things simple, the game doesn't have features common elsewhere.

想省事的话直接搓去麦芒麦壳把绿得透亮的籽儿往嘴里送。To save words directly to grain husk to rub green translucent seed into your mouth.

未来,运动也会变得省事。你睡觉的时候机器帮你锻炼就好了。In the future, you'll save time by having a robot make you exercise while you sleep.

因此,事实上,如果可以只引用包含固定值的单元格,可以更省事。So, in fact, it saves effort if you can refer to only cells that contain fixed values.

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这样挺省事的,可我还是有一大堆东西,我要被它们淹死啦都。Cha-ching!It's quite liberating but I still have a s**load of stuff.I'm drowning in it.

选择较省事的食物,如吃带骨的鸡肉比鸡丁好。Choose the more easy way of food, such as chicken bones to eat better than the Chicken.

为了你自己的健康和和福利而去宽恕,这是最省事的选择。For your own health and well-being, forgiveness is simply the most energy-efficient option.

把日记保存在网上比记在日记本上可靠省事多了——不怕水淹,不怕火烧。It is much easier and reliable to keep their diaries on line---both waterproof and fireproof.

还有些人为了省事甚至冒险翻越路中间的防护栏。Some even put themselves at risk taking short cuts by climbing dividers in the middle of roads.

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公司自己用的是内部开发团队,但是那么做未必就省事或省钱。Companies find themselves using in-house coder teams, but that's not necessarily speedy or cheap.

所以,为了省事我窝在沙发上敲笔记本,最后长期工作后我患了严重的背痛。So I typed my laptop on the sofa for convenience, and finally got a serious backache after a long-term work.

海伦认为和她妈妈一起住最省事,因为不用担心做家务的问题。Helen considered staying with her mother a soft option because she did not have to worry about house-keeping.

用伸缩的碳纤维镰刀收割,可比以前爬上树梢采槟榔省事多了。Using an extendable carbon-fibre pruning hook is a much easier way of harvesting betel nuts than climbing the tree!

如果你对面料满意且穿着合身,买成衣不失为最划算和最省事的方法。Off-the-rack suits are the least costly and the most convenient option, provided you re happy with the fabric and fit.

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如果你对布料满意且穿著合身,买成衣不失为最划算和最省事的方法。Off-the-rack suits are the least costly and the most convenient option, provided you're happy with the fabric and fit.

为了更省事,你也可以在电脑桌面上新建三个文件夹或者是在你的邮件客户端新建三个邮箱——在你最常进出的地方开辟三个区域,把你处理过的信息分门别类放进去。Whatever place you’re using the most, slice it up in 3 parts, where you would drop the processed information, as follows.

我可以随身携带一大堆电子书,方便省事,为什么还要花多余的钱去买印刷版图书。Why pay more to buy hard copies of such books when it is far more convenient to carry many books around in a digital form?