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腥臭的海绵船不断的开了进来The frowsy sponge boats keep coming in

他闻得见那气味,很强烈,热烘烘腥臭腥臭的。He could smell it, strong and hot and rank.

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雨水和雾气掩盖不了腐烂的腥臭。The rain and mist can't mask the funky rot.

阿加西把一条腥臭难闻的鱼放在他面前。Agassiz placed in front of him a smelly fish.

他被带到一个小小的湖泊里,整天运载着一堆堆腥臭的死鱼。Every day he brought in loads of dead, smelly fish.

众人把青蛙聚拢成堆、遍地就都腥臭。They were piled into heaps, and the land reeked of them.

鱼油的其他副作用可能来自于其腥臭的气味和回味。Other side effects of fish oil may be fishy burps or a fishy aftertaste.

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但政府正在寻求如何处理这些鱼的方法,因为它们可能会很腥臭。But officials are fishing for ideas about what to do with all those fish, which could get pretty smelly.

我岂无拯救之力吗?看哪,我一斥责,海就干了,我使江河变为旷野。其中的鱼因无水腥臭,干渴而死。By a more rebuke I dry up the sea , I turn rivers into a desert their fish rot for lack of water and die fo thirst.

由于本身有蛾毛和有一种腥臭等异味,不能直接食用,通常简单的粗加工,保存时间又短。Because itself has a kind of strange smell and some hair, it cant to be eaten directly, and the storage time is shorter.

今晚凌晨一点你会准时醒来,会闻到一股腥臭味,那是腐烂尸体发出的味道。You met before dawn tonight punctual awake, can smell a fishy flavour, that is the flavour that cankered body gives out.

现在数万雪柜散发出腥臭的虾、像硫磺的鸡蛋、腐烂的水果、腐臭的肉的让人作呕的恶臭。Now tens of thousands of appliances are releasing a gag-inducing stench of rancid shrimp, sulfurous eggs, rotting fruit and putrid meat.

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大便气腥臭,饮食减少,口中无味,不烦不渴,或喜热饮,小便清长或短少。Stool is hard or constipated , or with foul smell, does not like to eat, dry mouth, thirsty and wants to drink, urine is short and dark.

缪离将白瓶中腥臭浓稠黑色液体滴落了三滴在事先调配好的药水中。The Mou left to fall the foul smell thick dense black liquid drop in the white bottle 3 drops in the middle of in advance dispensing good medicine water.

于是,上帝击打尼罗河,河水就立刻变成血,水里的鱼都死了,河水变得腥臭难闻,埃及人不能喝这河水。So God struck the water of the Nile, and it turned into blood. The fish in the Nile died. The river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink the water.

肠音初期增强,以后减弱或消失,不断排稀粪便或水样粪便,气味腥臭或恶臭,粪中混有血液及坏死的组织片。Bowel sounds enhance, weaken or early after disappearing, row feces or water dilute waste, foul smell or the stench, dung mixed with blood and necrosis of the organization.

有些腐烂的鸡爪竟然出产于1967年,在腥臭扑鼻的处理场里,这些鸡爪经过漂白剂和其它化学物质“清洁”、涨泡、漂白流程之后,便可重新上市出售。The decaying feet, some dating back to 1967, were being 'cleaned up', plumped up and whitened at the 'foul-smelling' plant using bleach and other chemicals, before being prepared for sale.

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另外,由于疾病的关系,在服药期间,凡属生冷、油腻、腥臭等不易消化或有特殊刺激性的食物,都应忌口。In addition, row or cold foods, oily foods, fishy foods, bad foods, some not easily digested foods and excitant foods should also be avoid in the period of taking any kind of Chinese herbal medicine.