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中老边界全长505公里,于1993年正式勘定。China-Laos borderline, which lasts 505 kilometers, was officially demarcated in 1993.

我省重新勘定各市、区边界的工作进展顺利。The work of surveying and determining the frontier of all the cities and districts went on smoothly.

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这份由两国外长于北京签订的协议最终勘定了两国边界。The pact, signed in Beijing by the two countries' Foreign Ministers, finally settles the demarcation of the border.

阿舒尔于公元前614年被巴比伦征服。今天的考古勘定是由一支德国考察队所领导。Assur was conquered by the Babylonians in 614 B. C. Today the archaeological survey is directed by a German expedition.

第二年中俄两国议会都通过了这个协议,新的边界线勘定工作也开始进行。The Chinese and Russian parliaments endorsed the plan the following year and work got under way on staking out the new border.

在争论几十年之后,中国和俄罗斯的共同边界终于全线勘定。AFTER decades of dispute, China and Russia have at last reached agreement on where the entire length of their common border lies.

中日同意建立热线,中国和越南同意在今年年底结束对两国大陆国界线的勘定工作。Japan and China agreed to set up a hotline. China and Vietnam agreed to finish marking their contentious land border by the end of the year.

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作者对每个字的勘定均检校再三,力求精确,以令甲骨学者能藉之以全面掌握甲骨文资料,并为其准确科学考释提供可靠依据。The compilers strove for precision in order to provide a comprehensive resource of ancient writing and creditable data for scientific study.

孔子作为诗三百的整理勘定者,收录保留数量如此众多的女性诗歌,涵盖了女性生活的很多方面,涉及到妇女生存的很多问题。Confucius , as the 300 poems editor, collected so numerous feminine poems, which has covered many aspects in the female lives and involved many questions which were important to the women.

俄罗斯外交部发表声明表示,“这标志着中俄4300公里的边界线正式完成了勘定。”"This event completes the delineation and the legal establishment of all parts of the Russian-Chinese border, which is over 4,300 kilometers long, " Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.