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至于今年嘛,就不扯了吧!And this year? Blah!

至于我是如何植发的。As for how I did it.

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至于我自己,我教艺术。As for me, I teach art.

至于你,我看不起你。As to you, I despise you.

至于透支方式的放款。In the case of overdrafts.

至于酒,他代以白开水。As for wine, he drank water.

至于我,上帝知道,我已经尽力了。As for me, God knows I tried.

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至于那些不解之谜啊。As for that unsolvable mystery.

至于奥巴马和Raines呢?But ties between Obama and Raines?

而至于唐璜,事情就简化了许多。For Don Juan the thing is simpler.

至于其他人,情人卡也无济于事。For the rest, no card can console.

我得跑步才至于落在他们之后。I had to run to keep up with them.

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至于鞋子,则应穿黑色系带鞋。Shoes should be black and lace-up.

至于它使我们更坚强,我没发现。As far as making us stronger, nope.

至于钱嘛,那不成问题。Regarding money, that's no problem.

至于能否为善,我可就不得而知了。Whether capable of good I know not.

至于布道和苏打水,明天再说吧。Sermons and soda-water the day after.

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至于我的将来,人人都认为没戏了。As far as the future, it didn't exist.

至于该如何应对痛经呢?As for how to deal with dysmenorrhea ?

至于我,我开始有点开窍了。As for me, I began to have an inkling.