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我在桥头和她分手。I parted from her on the bridge.

我在桥头和她分手。I broke up with her on the bridge.

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年纪最大的山羊到达了桥头。The oldest goat arrived at the bridge.

^既到桥头,就走过去。既来之,则安之。Let's cross the bridge when we come to it.

有四个人影刚刚走上桥头。Four shadows were just entering on the bridge.

在他来到一座桥头时,他听见一辆卡车驶来。As he came to a bridge, he heard a truck approaching.

化妆品、杂货都是桥头商店货品大宗。Makeup and sundries are the staples of Bridgehead shops.

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我知道我无需担忧,船到桥头总会直的。I know that I need to not worry. That things will work out.

不用太过担心,船到桥头自然直,等出了问题我们再解决不迟。Don't worry too much, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

你瞧,担心是没有用的,无论如何,船到桥头自然直的。Ain't no use in worrying, you see, things always turn out somehow.

他不顾一切地猛踢马腹,到达桥头。He desperately kicked his horse in the ribs and got to the bridge.

桥二环辛烷不给出有意义的桥头取代。Bridged bicyclooctanes gave no significant bridgehead substitution.

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桥头发生跳车现象,是一个十分普遍的问题,其危害极大。The vehicle bump at bridge approach is a common problem with great damage.

我不知道接下来做什么,船到桥头自然直嘛!I don't know what to do next. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

伫立桥头,布拉格城堡呈现出令人窒息的美。From the bridge, the view of Prague Castle is nothing short of breathtaking.

皂化渣粉煤灰可以用做桥头等高填土路段的回填材料。Saponification slag-fly ash can be used in the high fill sections of highway.

桥头跳车现象影响了驾驶舒适性和行车安全性。Vehicle bumping at bridge-head directly affects traveling comfort and safety.

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有人告诉我,这些都只是过程,船到桥头自然会直的。Someone told me that it was just process and it will then complete in the end.

本文主要讨论桥头跳车的原因,处理方法及防止措施。The paper discussed the cause, processing method and preventive measure of bump.

桥头跳车是影响高速公路行车安全的常见病害。Bumping at the bridge-head is a common disease affecting the safe use of highways.