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导致足丝溶解的有效成分是次氯酸根。The effective ingredient dissolving byssus is hypochlorite ion.

次氯酸盐漂白段废液中的氯代酚类化合物含量极少。No chlorinated phenolic compounds was found in the hypochlorite effluents.

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过去,对医院污水多采用液氯法和次氯酸消毒法。We are used to sanitize the sewage by liquid chlorine and natrium chlorite.

结论HSA经次氯酸处理后主要发生了蛋白聚集。Conclusions Protein aggregation is primary consequence of HSA after its exposure to HOCl.

对难民紧急需要来说最通常使用的氯形态就是次氯酸钙粉末。The most generally suitable form of chlorine for DP emergencies is calcium hypochlorite powder.

试验了氨基磺酸对马尾松硫酸盐化学木浆次氯酸盐漂白的影响。Effect of Amino sulfonic acid on hypochlorite bleaching of Masson Pine kraft pulp was experimented.

氯、次氯酸钠、次氯酸钙和过氧化氢通常用作漂白剂。Chlorine sodium hypochlorite calcium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide are commonly used as bleaches.

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提出了通过增加电水贮存时间减少次氯酸方法的局限性。By increasing the stored time of the electrolyte, the HClO can be decreased, but there is a limitation.

在存储和孵育过程中不要暴露试剂于强光或次氯酸蒸汽中。Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps.

所用的氧化剂有过氧化氢、分子氧、次氯酸盐、有机过氧化物、碳酸盐等。The oxidizers are hydrogen peroxide, molecular oxygen, hypochlorite, organic peroxide, carbonate and so on.

分析了在氯酸盐生产过程中次氯酸产生的原因及对工艺过程的影响。The reasons of hypochloric acid produced and its effects on the process in the production of chlorate are analyzed.

论述了国内尚属空白的碱式次氯酸镁开发的意义及制备条件。The significance of developing basic magnesium hypochlorite, its preparation, character and application were stated.

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采用改进的次氯酸盐氧化法合成了高铁酸钾氧化剂,并进行了表征。Potassium ferrate was prepared by improved hypochlorite oxidation method and then characterized by SEM, IR, AAS and XRD.

常用碱性次氯酸盐,在氧化过程中,分子链断裂得到羧基和羰基官能团。Alkaline hypochlorite used in the oxidation process, the molecular strand breaks are carboxyl and carbonyl functional groups.

次氯酸盐不适合用于内镜消毒。它们的腐蚀性与被有机物质灭活的特性限制了它们的应用。Hypochlorites are not appropriate for disinfecting endoscopes. Their corrosiveness and inactivation by organic matter limit their use.

本文利用单矿物研究了腐植酸钠、次氯酸钙以及它们的组合和磁场对黄铁矿、黄铜矿浮选行为的影响。The effect of combined reagent and magnetization on flotation behaviour of pyrite and chalcopyrite was investigated with pure mineral.

使用次氯酸盐作疏解剂可以提高疏解效果,但是会污染环境,同时纤维受损也较严重。Using hypochlorite can improve the effect of fiber disintegration, but it causes environmental pollution problems and damages fiber quality.

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本文主要研究了芦苇中性亚硫酸盐浆次氯酸盐单段高温快速漂白时加入助剂的影响因素。The effects of bleaching additives on hypochlorite single-stage high temperature fast bleaching of reed neutral sulfite pulp is studied in this paper.

研究了桑枝硫酸盐法制浆适宜的工艺条件和单段、两段次氯酸盐漂白工艺条件。The pulping and papermaking of mulberry stalk were studied. Optimum conditions of kraft pulping and single stage hypochlorite bleaching were investigated.

比较了氯气直接氯代法和次氯酸叔丁酯法合成5氯水杨酸的合成条件和产物的纯度。The both purity and synthetic conditions of 5 chloro salicylic acid prepared by the direct chlorination of chlorine and t butyl hypochlorite were compared.