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在向太阳表达敬意。In honor of the sun!

妈妈喃喃地说,带着对死人的敬意。Respect for the dead.

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相反我会对你满怀敬意。Instead, I will honor you.

他们相互举手击掌互致敬意。They high-fived each other.

我们对他的到来,起立表示敬意。We all stood for his coming.

我是否可以向你表达我无限的敬意“May I express thee unblam'd?"

我们向客人表示敬意。We showed honour to our guests.

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恭维他们,表现敬意。Compliment them, and show respect.

今天我向您致上崇高的敬意。On this day I honor you sincerely.

今天我向您致以崇高的敬意。On this day I honour yousincerely.

我送你这件礼物以表敬意。I send you this gift as a mark of esteem.

向张大权致以最崇高的敬意!I extend the loftiest respect to the hero!

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我们举行了欢迎会向他表示敬意。We held a welcome meeting in honor of him.

要致敬意于我必须给他让路的太阳。To salute the sunn for whom I must make way.

也正是因此,你又会对他产生敬意。It is therefore that you give respects to him.

我对全度妍前辈有很高的敬意。I have high respect for Jeon Do Yeon sonbaenim.

我们经过校长面前时总要脱帽以表示敬意。We always capped when we passed the headmaster.

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让我们向他崇高的敬意,诺贝尔物理学奖。So, let's give him his credit, Nobel in physics.

这或许是迄今为止业界对尼葛洛庞帝的最为直接的表达敬意吧。maybe the most obvious homage to Negroponte yet.

请接受我们这份薄礼,以表敬意。Please accept this gift as a mark of our respect.