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会有游戏说明书马?Will there be a SoG game manual?

这是这台录影机的说明书。Here is the instructions for the VCR.

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说明书也为大家准备好了。The specifications were ready for us.

说明书上称作占写板。The instructions called it a planchette.

规格说明书可以给我们吗。Will you let us have the specifications?

根据实物和说明书在适当位置画线。Draw lines according to the specification.

哦,规格说明书上说它应该“这样”工作。Oh, the spec says it should work this way.

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他们的最新卡车由电脑提供说明书。Their newest truck was spec'd by a computer.

本设计说明书设计了减速器。The design specification is designed reducer.

原码和说明书都受版权保护。And the source code and manual are copyrighted.

好的。这是我们的发卖目录和说明书。Right. Here is our sales catalog and literature.

产品说明书排版,产品包装和画册设计。Manual layout, product packaging and album design.

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没人出生就会附赠一本生活说明书的。Nobody’s born with an instruction manual for life.

购买新表时,保留所有的说明书和包装盒。When buying new, keep all the paperwork and boxes.

淄博无线电瓷件厂,产品说明书,P7。Zibo Radio Ceramic Factory, Manuel of Products, P7

说明书都从彩色变成黑白色的。All the IFUs changed from colour to black and white.

我完全照说明书使用。我要退钱。I followed the instructions exactly. I want a refund.

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现连同此项呈请书提交一份本人的资产负债状况说明书。A statement of my affairs is filed with th is petition.

精美的制作说明书,好好详读一番。Nice instruction, Read it as possible before beginning.

高中组竞赛模型说明书档案更新。请记得使用最新版的档案。One of documents for domastic teams only has been updated.