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再服,恶露即下。Then clothes, lochia of the next.

这只是流产后恶露不尽吗?Is the lochia after this just aborts endless?

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然后,让我检查会阴垫上恶露的数量。Then let me check the perineal pads for the amount of lochia.

恶露持续时间延长的原因是多方面的。Prolongation of the duration of lochia resulted from complex factors.

产后恶露具有波动性,尤其是剖宫产组。Lochia rubra will recurred several times during puerperium, especially in CS group.

根据产后时间的不同,恶露的量和成分也随之发生变化。According to the different post-natal period, the amount and composition of lochia has changed.

目的探讨产后恶露变化规律,绘制恶露变化模式图。Objective To study the rules of lochia rubra and draw normal pattern chart of postpartum lochia prospectively.

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产后恶露不净预防产后风预防流女士产后遗症产后盆腔静脉曲张。Postpartum lochia not prevent the net flow of air to prevent postpartum complications postpartum pelvic varicose veins, Ms. production.

评估疼痛,肺,心脏状况,基础体重,恶露,排气,肠蠕动,腹胀,压痛,肠鸣音,切口。A. Assess pain, lungs, cardiac status, fundal height, lochia, passing of flatus , bowel movement, distension, tenderness, bowel sounds, incision.

结论月嫂陪护有助于产褥期产妇的生理康复,减少恶露、感染发生,有助于提高产妇产后生活质量。Conclusion With the accompanying of puerperal-sitter, puerperants in puerperium would recover better with less lochia and infection, which improves the life quality of puerperants.

观察组完全流产率高于对照组,流产所需时间、流产后恶露干净时间治疗组明显短于对照组。The observation group has complete abortion rate markedly more than control one, the abortion time and treatment time of lochia after abortion are obviously shorter than that of control one.