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鲁塞尔还开始去尝试谱曲。Roussel also began composing.

他为许多风行一时的音乐片谱曲。He wrote scores for many hit musicals.

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那鼓舞人心的音乐是贝多芬谱曲的。The inspiring music was composed by Beethoven.

凯尔也用电子键盘谱曲。Cale also uses electronic keyboards to compose.

一首仅能由我们自己谱曲,填词的歌?Only by one of our own music, lyrics of the song?

首先,你的能力,使重谱曲。First, you get the ability to render heavier comps.

我在谱曲的时候,写了一段关于它的故事。When I was writing it, I thought of a story for it.

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这位谱曲家以他杰出的对位旋律而闻名。The composer is famous for his marvelous counterpoints.

男人会写诗或谱曲来荣耀女子并赞扬她们的纯洁。Men wrote poems and songs in honour of women and their purity.

伟大领袖的业绩被人们作诗谱曲加以吟颂。The great leader's exploits were emblazoned in song and story.

抒情短诗一种短诗,通常是爱情诗,适合于谱曲。A short poem, often about love, suitable for being set to music.

尽管从前没有什么经历,我还是决定要当个谱曲的作曲家。And so I decided, with little prior experience or interest, to become a composer.

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查德负责作词,其他小伙子则一起谱曲。Chad Kroeger wrote lyrics while the rest of the guys worked together on the music.

给出了GMSK信号的功率谱曲线,传输眼图与误比特率性能。Power spectrum of GMSK and transmit eye patterns and bit error rate performance is given.

二十世纪早期,该诗歌由塞缪尔·沃德谱曲后在全美流行开来。In the early 1900s, it was set to music by Samuel A. Ward and achieved national popularity.

通过干式空心并联电抗器的现场原型动力试验,得到该电抗器各方向的自功率谱曲线。The auto power spectrum curves of the dry parallel reactor are obtained from the prototype dynamic test.

威伦茨今年16岁,她能谱曲、写词、弹吉他、打鼓、弹钢琴和尤克里里琴,还能吹排箫。Today, Wilentz, 16, composes music, writes songs and plays guitar, drums, piano, ukulele and the pan flute.

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为长笛2,双簧管2,单簧管2,大管2,圆号2,短号2,女高音,女中音,男高音和弦乐组谱曲。Scored for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, soprano, alto, tenor and strings.

证明了其相应的谱曲线可由相应于这些模型对合的运动积分参数化。It turns out that the spectral curves can be parameterizedby the involutive integrals of motion for these models.

这位格莱美获奖作家谱写并录制了他自己的专辑,但他也喜欢为电影谱曲。The Grammy Awards winning composer writes and records his own albums but he also enjoys writing music for movies.