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你落笔时会颤抖胆怯,还是敏锐果敢?Would you strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold?

所有的人的命运都将在此落笔。The destiny of all people will be in this start to write or draw.

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我有许多写短篇小说的题材,但发现难于落笔。An instance of being imperfectly known or difficult to understand.

给落笔慷慨,公正里带着仁慈的伯纳德•迪克教授。To Professor Bernard Dick, who so generously tempers justice with mercy.

在传说中,大东海是三亚落笔峰落笔洞黑龙戏水的地方。In legend, the East China Sea is Sanya Labi Labi-hole Heilonggang Water place.

我有许多写短篇小说的题材,但发现难于落笔。I have lots of ideas for short stories but find it difficult to put pen to paper.

当约翰·列侬落笔的时候,笔尖流泻出来的通常都是充满灵感的甚至崇高的作品。When John Lennon put pen to paper, the result was usually inspired and occasionally sublime.

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你落笔时会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果敢的?花里胡哨还是朴实无华?。Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? Fancy with a flourish or plain?

在我落笔的同时,我的观众也亲眼目睹每一个创造性思维的诞生,连点一个逗号这样最细微的动作也赫然在目。My viewers saw every creative decision, down to the most delicate comma, as it was made on the page.

很多时候我们需要揣度她落笔的动机,其中的重要人物匆忙地登场退场,没有给予介绍。Motives often have to be guessed, and important players enter and exit summarily, without introduction.

落笔洞是距今一万多年前最初的海南人居住的地方。Luobi Cave was an origin habitation area that Hainan's people lived in that was over 10 thousand years ago.

哥本哈根协议很可能与京都时代一样,在第11个小时落笔签订,之后的关键就是付诸行动了。As at Kyoto, a Copenhagen deal will probably be settled at the 11th hour. The trick then is to implement it.

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如此层层剥离,最终落笔于三者之上,汉代雕塑造型语言的一般性特点与规律。At last, the pen is put upon the general characteristics and rules of the plastic language of Han sculpture.

每首诗都是一种答案,但落笔的最后一个句号也无法给出一个完满的答案。Each poem was a kind of answer, but as soon as the last full stop hit the page the result seemed inadequate.

当约翰·列侬落笔的时候,笔尖流泻出来的通常都是充满灵感的甚至崇高的作品。不过也不尽然。When John Lennon put pen to paper, the result was usually inspired and occasionally sublime. But not always.

虽然他同意跟球队续约,但是在落笔签下合同之前,希望得到保证这会是自己第一个作为主力出战的赛季。While terms are all but agreed, the goalkeeper is seeking first team assurances before putting pen to paper.

天涯海角、大小洞天、崖州古城、落笔洞三亚古人类遗址等都蕴涵着丰厚的历史文化。The ends of the earth, size Dongtian, Yazhou city, Labi-Sanya ancient human sites contains all the rich history and culture.

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蒙哥马利从优美的乡村景色落笔,塑造了安妮这一个红发姑娘的百年传奇。Montgomery began his novel with the beautiful rural scenery, and made a century-old legend of Anne Shirley, the red hair girl.

这声音曾承载多少意象,灌注于无数青涩的诗行,落笔如雨的青春似乎也停伫在遥远的某一段路上。The sound has hosted many images, perfusion in a myriad of sentimental verse, write like rain youth also seems to stay away in a section of the road.

周一时做买卖要小心了,在你落笔签下潇洒的签名之前,要仔细看好印刷精美的合同的每个角落,确定你足够精明。Be careful in business on Monday. Go over all the specifics and make sure you're well-versed in the fine print before you scrawl your signature across the line.