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任何时候使用,都可让您立刻焕发美丽神采!It's an instant "beauty boost" any time of day!

让肌肤焕发净白透亮迷人神采。Let skin appear pure white, bright and moving charm.

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埃及—在你美丽的神采中,一切都很伟大。E. G. Y. P. T. — Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing.

日复一日,那西塞斯变得逐渐消瘦,失去了他的神采和美貌。Day by day, Narcissus became thinner, and lost his color and beauty.

他一面说一面来回走动,聪明的瘦脸上神采焕发。He was pacing as he talked, his lean clever face electrically alive.

当你生命的灯点时,你的生命就会焕发神采,呈现另一番不同的景象。What a difference you make when your life becomes a light turned on!

我是极喜爱秋海棠的,喜欢它凌寒独舞的神采和风骨。I am very fond of Begonia, like Ling Han solo appearance and character.

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他会看着你发自内心地笑、并且他眼睛里的神采会跟着变化。He'll look at you with a big smile and the look in his eyes will change.

他们那光洁而又恳切的脸庞上绽放的神采让我禁不住微笑,我仿佛感受到了儿子的存在。I smile into the glow of their unlined, earnest faces and I feel my son.

无论什么主题,他都全心去演绎出歌曲的神采。No matter what themes, he whole heart to deduce songs in the near future.

真性存在内心,神采表现在外,这就是自性之真。Genuineness exists in inner heart and expresses itself through appearance.

增强肌肤自身骨胶原生成,令肌肤紧致有弹性,焕发活力神采。Strengthen the formation of ossein, keep skin firm and vigorous with high luster.

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无论身形,样貌,皮肤,神采都非常完美!还有几分似陈慧琳及关之琳。Perfect all on body, appearance, skin and spirit! somewhat similar to HL C and ZL G.

天马博士赐与托比的那段不露神采的父爱恰是典型的神州式父子瓜葛。Tenma's unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chellonese father-son relationshellop.

他眼前的丹丹虽然虚弱地躺在病床上,但她眼中的神采还是和过去别无二致。Although Danny weakly in front of him lying in bed, but the look in her eyes and in the past.

全新动感造型配方,完美塑造生动发型,焕发青春神采。Completely new dynamic formula perfectly shapes hair style to be lovely and rejuvenated look.

我用的唇彩就内含橘子精油,可以让我瞬间神采焕发。My lip gloss has the essential oil orange in it which unquestionably lifts my spirits in an instant.

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中国的古典抒情诗以其丰富的回忆性的审美意象成就了东方诗美的神采。The rich recollective aesthetic images in ancient Chinese lyrics make the great beauty of oriental poetry.

我最恨离开房间时自信满满,神采昂昂,可是却一整天没见到一个重要的人。I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day.

我们知道神不听罪人,惟有敬奉神,遵行他旨意的,神采听他。We know that God does not listen to sinners, but he does listen to one who worships him and obeys his will.