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你要以此为鉴戒。Let this be an example to you.

鉴戒别在冰上滑倒了。Be careful not to slip on the ice.

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当局在利用其权利时必须鉴戒审慎。The government must be careful in its exercise of power.

可恶秋老虎仍彷徨,处暑时节要鉴戒。Abhorrent still wandering, autumn season will alert the scorching.

钱德勒本身就是个鉴戒,警告人们不要把拆分风尚演绎得太为过分。He himself was a warning against taking the unbundling fad too far.

以色列人发生了什么事,要作为我们今日的鉴戒与指导呢?What happened to the Israelites which provides counsel and direction for us today?

不外,不论多么鉴戒地保养,全部的车子偶尔候都必需修理。But no matter how careful the maintenance, all vehicles need to be repaired sometimes.

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没有言而喻,好别文明的人老是相互鉴戒的。It is easy to see that the people of different cultures have always copied each other.

两次国共合作成功的实践经验对实现第三次合作有着重要鉴戒作用。The two successful experience of co-operation is the important reference for the third.

在用饭前,用这块湿巾擦手,然后鉴戒折叠好放在桌子一边。Before dinner, with a piece of wet tissue towels, and then carefully folded on the table side.

我要将粪溺抛在你身上侮辱你,使你成为鉴戒。And I will cast abominations upon thee, and will disgrace thee, and will make an example of thee.

不言而喻,不同文明的人总是相互鉴戒的。It is easy to see thabout the people of different cultures haudio-videoe frequently copied every other.

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不要使他们嘲笑我们的没落,反使他们的阴谋伤害自己,作为那谋害我们者的鉴戒。Let them not gloat over our ruin, but turn their own counsel against them and make an example of our chief enemy.

希望通过对这个问题的研究,能为我国当前的新闻立法提供鉴戒。The hope through to this question research, can provide the warning example for our country current news legislation.

第四章公道鉴戒美、英等国的相关经验为我所用。Fourth chapter profits from country's the reasonably and so on America, England correlation experiences is adopted by us.

正确认识和对待这一轮的冲突对跨文化交际和外语教学都有鉴戒作用。It is crucial in intercultural communication and foreign language teaching to be acquainted with the new round of conflict.

在要进行更加正确的分析时,我们可以鉴戒于分光仪来对翡翠的颜色做进一步的鉴别。You want a more correct analysis, we can object lesson in the spectrometer to the color of jade for further identification.

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实例鉴戒部分析各城市火车站地区地下空间开发利用的特点。The examples department analysis the characteristics of underground space development and utilization in the railway station area of cities.

至于那些不好或不如他的,也可以在反面作为自己的鉴戒,所以还是值得称做老师。Those who are inferior to one can also serve as mirrors in which one can look for faults in oneself, so they also deserve to be called teachers.

他们办理这个题目的方法值得鉴戒,他不但包管了厂房的长处,并且符合工人的长处。The way they got round the problem was worth learning. It not only guaranteed the benefit of the factory, but was also in the interest of the workers.