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大都即今之北京。Dadu says Beijing now.

苍蝇大都不螫人。Most flies do not sting.

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他们大都很差劲。They're normally pretty crap.

他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕。He thinks most modern artis _.

他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕。He thinks most modern artis trash.

他认为现代艺术大都是糟粕。He thinks most modern art is trash.

事实上,大都数中国母亲都是虎妈。In fact, most moms there are tigers.

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四川菜大都麻辣浓香。Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.

虽然我与各位大都是第一次见面,但对48家集团俱乐部早有耳闻,见到大家像老友重逢。The 48 Group Club is no stranger to me.

耶稣和亚歷山大都死于三十三岁的英年。Both Jesus and Alexander died at age 33.

女孩儿们从小到大都害怕老鼠。Girls have been brought up to fear mice.

他们大都属于和平的人群吗?Are they by in large very peaceful group?

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能够接受教诲,“勇于认错”的人,大都进步得快。Those who admit their faults can advance.

在大都分旅程中这儿成了我们的基地。This becomes our base for much of the trip.

我们阅读大都是为了娱乐。Most of your reading should be for pleasure.

胰尾多见1~4条小静脉,大都汇入脾静脉。The tail of the pancreas is drained by 1-4 v.

我往时懂拉丁语,此刻大都忘了。Ihave forgotten much of the Latin I once knew.

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我懂拉丁语,方今大都忘了。Inove forgotten much of the Latin I once knew.

我的家人和朋友大都说我有点疯癫。Most of my family and friends think I am crazy.

他的工友们也大都来自社会底层。His co-workers were all from a lower background.