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如果你需要枕巾的话,可以在亚麻制品壁橱中看看。If you want a towel, look in the linen closet.

毛巾,浴巾,枕巾,胚布。Towel, Bath Towel, Towel Blanket, Grey Fabric.

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梦醒了、人走了,泪水已湿了我的枕巾。Wake up, and were gone, Tears have wet my towel.

其中一个枕巾上有污渍,毛巾都很旧并且磨损了。There were stains on one of the pillow slips and the towels were all frayed and worn.

广泛应用于毛巾印花,枕巾印花,平网印花机等。Widely used in the printed towels, pillow towel printing, flat screen printing machine, etc.

我公司生产、销售毛巾、浴巾、方巾、童巾、枕巾、超细纤维毛巾等产品。My company produces, sells towels, bath towels, hand towel, children towel, pillow covers, microfiber towels and other products.

然而,每次一觉醒来,泪湿了枕巾,这一切只能若隐若现的出现在不甚清晰的梦中。However, every time when I wake up, tears wet the pillow towel, all these can only partly hidden and partly visible appearance in the not very lucid dream.

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幸福就是半夜被噩梦困扰,大汗淋漓地惊醒后发现枕巾都被侵湿了,月光如水一样静静透过窗户流淌进来。Happiness is in the middle of the night by a nightmare distress, sweating to awaken after found were invaded wet towel, moonlight like water flowing quietly through the window.

室内软装饰一般包括卧室内的被套、床单、毛毯、毛巾被、枕巾、枕套和各房间的家具蒙面、地毯和壁挂等等。Indoor soft furnishings including bedroom, the general stuck, bed sheets, blankets , necessities, bag, pillow cases and the masked room furniture, carpets and wall hanging, etc.

当你偶尔学着在凌晨两三点吸烟,你会发现夜晚是如此的美妙而多情,它毫无遮掩的替你掩饰你内心的脆弱,让你的枕巾能湿得拧出许多许多的泪水。In the silent deep night, in 2 or 3 o'clock am, you accidentally get a smoke, you will found the night so wonderful and sentimental, it can hide your weakness, and bring your tears as rain falls.