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该案是否构成偷税罪?。Is This Case Formed Tax Dodging?

纳税筹划不同于避税和偷税。Tax planning is different from tax avoidance and tax evasions.

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调取的作为偷税证据的资料应不应退还?。Should Accounting Materials as Evidence be Returned to Enterprises?

玛丽成了揭发者,因为她以偷税检举了她的老板。Mary is the whistle blower , she prosecuted her boss for tax dodging.

我国偷税罪数额的立法规定存在缺陷。There are some defects in China's law about the amount of tax dodging crime.

第一章为基本概念的界定,主要解释偷税与反偷税的概念。In the first chapter, the author defines basic concepts of tax evasion and anti-evasion.

瑞士法律的一个特点是,它与偷税,骗税区别。One characteristic of Swiss law is that it distinguishes between tax evasion and tax fraud.

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去年12月16日,LGT花费将近5000万欧元,在德国发起教唆偷税的起诉风暴。On December 16th LGT paid close to €50m to settle a prosecution in Germany for abetting tax fraud.

偷税犯罪严重危害税收征管秩序,应予以重点打击。We should severely punish tax-dodging crime because it endangers the tax administration system seriously.

偷税罪是税收经济领域中发生最普遍、危害最严重的犯罪形式。Crime of evading taxes is the most common and serious crime happening in the economic area of tax revenue.

通过对避税、逃税、偷税等涉税行为的分析,论述了他们之间的区别和联系。We discuss the distinction and connection between the tax avoidance, tax evasion, and other tax-related definitions.

偷税罪是当前危害税收征管秩序罪中社会危害性最大的一种犯罪行为。Crime of evading taxes is most harmful to society among the crimes that endanger tax collection and management system.

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鉴于此,设立偷税罪定罪标准时应向客观主义倾斜,以达到定罪的公正。Therefore, the condemnable standard for tax evasion should be based on objectivism to reach the fairness of condemnation.

同时,由于其征管存在种种问题,也是我国偷税数额最大、漏征数额最多的税种。At the same time, because of the problems on its collection and management, it also is the tax with the most leaking number.

在多次偷税存在多个偷税数额占应纳税额百分比的情况下,选择其中的最高百分比定罪量刑比较科学。To many acts of tax evasion, it is scientific to choose the biggest percent as the standards of the convicting and sentencing.

偷税罪数额的定罪标准过低,已不适应社会发展等等。And the standard for declaring someone guilty on the amount of tax evasion is too low, which lags behind the social development.

因此,有必要对偷税罪的立法改进继续深入研究。Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further researches about the improvement on the legislation of the crime of tax evasion.

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她被认为是“亿万女影星”直到2002年由于姿态鲜明的调查声称偷税被逮铺。She was known as the "billionaire actress" until she was arrested in 2002 in a high-profile investigation into alleged tax evasion.

我国现行刑法关于偷税罪的规定,由于其固有的种种不足越发难以适用新形势的需要。Because of its inherent deficiencies, the current criminal law of our country about tax dodging does not adapt to the new situation.

自从1997年我国刑法典颁布实施,关于偷税罪立法的许多问题在学界就一直存在激烈的争议。Since the promulgation and implementation of our criminal law in 1997, there have been disputes about the legislation of tax evasion.