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针织裙适于折叠包装。A knit dress packs well.

我认识一个喜欢针织的男人。I know a man who loves to knit.

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从脚踝到袖口的针织罗纹。Knit ribbing from ankle to cuff.

柔软舒适针织棉帽衫。Soft and cozy knit cotton hoodie.

其他针织或钩编织物。Other knitted or crocheted fabrics.

但现在,针织成了他生命中重要的组成部分。And now it’s a big part of who heis.

针织或钩编的其他服装。Other garments, knitted or crocheted.

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我喜欢穿衬衫和针织的衣物。I like to wear dress shirts and knits.

高品质的嵌花针织棉外衣。High-quality intarsia knit cotton tunic.

极为简单的针织衣衫以令人惊异的低价出售。He Bought a trade-in for a very low price.

针织专用油、纫机专用油。Knitting for oil, sewing machines for oil.

这种线圈结构让针织布比梭织布更有弹性。None of these fabrics is woven or knitted.

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针织高领内衣颜色多。Knitting high-necked underwear many colors.

棉制床罩,针织或?针织者。Bedspreads, knitted or crocheted, of cotton.

针织或钩编的男衬衫。Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted.

他穿西装打领带,她穿橘红色针织裙。He wore a suit and tie, she a coral knit dress.

一顶蓝色针织帽遮住他乱麻般的头发。A blue knitted cap hides the cockles of his hair.

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柔软,舒适的嵌花针织棉毛衣。Soft and comfortable intarsia knit cotton sweater.

封锁平滑的针织项目的针。Blocking smooths the stitches of a knitted project.

掌心牛二层皮手套,彩条背,针织罗口。Cow leather gloves, striped cotton back, knit wrist.