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赞成还是反对?Pro or con?

我赞成65岁退休。I vote for 65.

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她会赞成吗?Would she approve?

投票结果为63票赞成对37票反对。The vote was 63-37.

对于这种说法,我举双手赞成。To that, I say amen.

在那一点上我赞成你。I'm with you on that.

他咧嘴一笑表示赞成。He grinned his approval.

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我应该赞成你的计划。I must agree your plans.

我举双手赞成你的观点。I totally agree with you.

我完全赞成你的意见。I’m all for your opinion.

我不赞成背后议论别人。I don't approve of gossip.

我就是不赞成这一点。I just disagree with that.

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他皱眉表示不赞成。He scowled his disapproval.

他的声音里充满了不赞成。His voice was disapproving.

我觉得他赞成那个计划.I feel he favors that plan.

我是个担心的赞成者。I'm a pro at being worried.

在1999年,国会赞成。In 1999, Congress assented.

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许多人都不赞成召回。Many argue against a recall.

你对此事是反对呢还是赞成?Are you against it or for it?

她用手势表示不赞成。She gestured her disapproval.