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老板得卷起袖管亲历亲为。Bosses have to roll up their sleeves and work.

他的肘伸出了撕破的衬衣袖管。His elbow was poking through his torn shirt sleeve.

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我已把袖管上的星章割掉,那只是为了便利起见。I had taken off the stars, but that was for convenience.

一件淡蓝色马甲的袖管只垂到了她的臂弯处。The sleeves of a pale blue waistcoat came only to her elbows.

一件淡蓝色马甲的袖管只垂到了她的臂弯处。He left off hellos waistcoat as soon as he came into the room.

他的右手拿着一整杯啤酒,空荡荡的左袖管扑扇着。He had a full seidel of beer in his right hand and his empty left sleeve was flapping.

约翰将胳膊伸进衬里是厚厚的缎子的袖管里,系上了扣子。John slid his arms down into the heavy satin lining of the sleeves and buttoned the coat.

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传统的圆锥贯入试验可量测锥尖阻抗、袖管摩擦力及孔隙水压等数据。Cone penetration tests can measure tip resistance, sleeve friction, and pore water pressure.

我穿上衣之前,先把袖管上的星章割下来,放在里边口袋里,和我的钱放在一起。Before I put on my coat I cut the cloth stars off my sleeves and put them in the inside pocket with my money.

只是他的一只空袖管在晨风中轻轻飘荡,阳光灼眼,我们看不见他脸上的哀伤。Is only one of his empty sleeves in the morning breeze gently floating in the sun burning eyes, we can not see his face grief.

介绍了锚固法兰的锻造、热处理、机加工、袖管焊接、防腐等几个重要环节的质量控制实例。Some quality control examples of forging, heat treatment, machining, welding and anticorrosion for anchored flange were introduced.

捋起袖管弯下腰一棵一棵地拔除杂草,一个一个地捡起塑料袋,点点地清理令人讨厌的垃圾。Smooth up the sleeves and bent tree uprooting weed, one by one to pick up the plastic bags, 1.1 point to clean up the annoying spam.

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他的白衬衣的长袖管挽到了手肘以上,他的小臂结实得惊人,雪白的肌肤下全是肌肉。He had the long sleeves of his white shirt pushed up to his elbows, and his forearm was surprisingly hard and muscular beneath his light skin.

一些最好的实验需要心理学家丢掉他们的实验袍,卷起袖管,真正埋头于钻研这个凌乱的真实世界的最中心。Some of the best experiments involve psychologists casting off their lab coats, rolling up their sleeves and delving into the messy midst of the real world.

我现在变成了“禅师”——能厘清规整我的思路,用一种平和、周密的体式格局来给出睿智的建议,并且还时不时地穿件运动外衣,袖管上加两块补丁。Instead, I have now become the "Zen Professor" -- marshaling my thoughts, offering sage advice in a calm and measured manner, and occasionally wearing sport coats with arm patches.

这些工具尚在开发过程中,因此要经常查看是否有更新,如果您觉得特别希望看到某种特性,可以卷起袖管自力更生。These tools are undergoing development, so check for updates periodically, and if you feel an itch for a feature you'd like to see, consider rolling up your sleeves and pitching in.