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郭沫若的抗战史剧,便具有这种优秀品格。Guo Moruo s historical anti-war dramas have greatly displayed this essence.

在编写战史时他从老兵们的回忆中获得了大量材料。He has levied heavily on the memory of the veterans in writing the history of the war.

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他是战争发展和战史的优秀的研究者。However, this issue has been neglected during the study on the history of the Opium War.

虚构的辉煌战史或捏造的英勇事迹,实际上超乎想像地泛滥。Fabrication of war records and bogus claims of bravery are more widespread than imagined.

中国战史中合此原则而取胜的实例是非常之多的。China's military history contains numerous instances of victories won on these principles.

军委作战室内设作战、情报、战史资料等三个科。The war room has three divisions which are war intelligence and military history documents.

这一件战史发生于克利斯蒂恩第二被逐出瑞典之前。This event happened previous to the expulsion of the tyrant Christiern the Second from Sweden.

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两家俱乐部的交战史将会在两场新的碰撞中延续下去,接下来的比赛远比过去的要重要得多。The history the two clubs will create in the next two meetings is more important than what happened in the past.

每个研究美国内战史的人,总会不可避免地被人们反复问道,"究竟是什么导致了这场战争"A thousand times in a thousand ways anybody who studies the American Civil War period is inevitably asked, "So what caused this war?"

以已有研究而言,主要集中于武汉政治史、武汉抗战史及武汉城市史三大主题。This article finds that studies on the Nanjing period comprise such three areas as politics, Anti-Japanese War, and the urban development.

郭沫若的抗战史剧,选材立意追求普遍性,突出表现为反映人类永久关心的生死问题。Guo Moruo s historical anti-war drama pursues universality on resources and conception, which mainly reflect the view of life and death that mankind cares permanently.

郭沫若的抗战史剧,选材立意追求普通性,突出表现为反映人类永久关心的生死问题。Guo Moruo's historical anti-war drama pursues universality on resources end conception, which mainly reflect the view of life and death that mankind cares permanently.

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这本文笔高超的传统战史类图书提出了一个问题,即美国人是否有可能在独立战争中战败,而作者的观点是,可能性非常大。This well-written, conventional war history raises the question of whether or not the Americans might have lost the War of Independence, and as the author argues, very nearly did.

云南抗日战争史是中国抗日战争史的重要组成部分,云南抗战史研究是中国抗战史研究的重要内容和课题。The anti-Japanese war history of Yunnan is an integral part of the anti-Japanese war history of China. And the study of the former is an important component and project in the study of the latter.

我们现在要讲的战略问题,就是要就中国革命战争的十年血战史的经验,好好地说明这些问题。Our present discussion of the problems of strategy is intended to elucidate these matters carefully in the light of the historical experience gained in China's ten years of bloody revolutionary war.