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他的企图成了泡影。He failed in his attempt.

这场战争使他所有的希望都化成了泡影。The war cut off all his hopes.

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和平解决的希望成为泡影。Hopes of a peace settlement faded.

他们的企图成了泡影。They were foiled in their attempt.

他们推翻政府的企图终成泡影。A plot to overthrow the government.

天公不作美,我的计划成泡影。My plans were thwarted by the weather.

可现在一切希望均成泡影。Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish.

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他的一切希望和计划都成泡影。All his hopes and plans had come to nothing.

由于没人支持,这一计划终成泡影。Owing to lack of support the scheme fizzled out.

但他的优势常常化成绝望泡影。But his dominance often curdles into desperation.

他想成为超级明星的梦想终成泡影。His dream of becoming a superstar ended in bubbles.

那一刻,我所有的自负和骄傲瞬间化为泡影。At that moment, all my vainglory and proud were gone.

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大跃进的现代化目标在现实面前化为泡影。Its modernizing aims were dashed in the face of reality.

所以,我们想成为百万富翁的美梦全部成了泡影。So all our dreams of being millionaires went up in smoke.

他们推翻政府的企图终成泡影。Their attempt to overthrow the government ended in nothing.

否则我们一直在这梦幻的世界里追逐泡影。Otherwise, we are "Chasing the Wind" in this illusive world.

与议会冲突可能使政府的计划成为泡影。A collision with parliament could ruin the government's plans.

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生活费用又涨了,我们的度假计划成了泡影。Our holiday plans went phut when the cost of living rose again.

我们看到他们的希望化为泡影,他们的欢乐变成哀泣。We saw their hope turn into a snare, and their rejoicing into weeping.

不像直接现金购买,信用卡透支现金将马上使你这个月的存款利息化为泡影。Unlike purchases, credit card cash advances accrue interest immediately.