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有人曾找到一张他的订单Somebody found an order.

订单的号码是1089号。The order number be 1089.

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订单的号码是1089号。The order number is 1089.

如果我们要是下订单呢?What if we place an order?

我在等待您的订单。I am waiting for your order.

敬辞你将订单发送了吗?Have you sent that order yet?

您可以使用您的支付宝对订单进行支付。So you can use Alipay to pay.

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他想下订单。He would like to place an order.

请稍候,我来查一下预订单。I'll check the reservation list.

该订单价值800万瑞典克朗。The order is worth SEK 8 million.

我们现在再确认一下订单吧?May I confirm this order with you?

目前该机型已经有517个确认订单。The C919 has 517 firm orders so far.

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这只长毛绒狮淘宝如何取消订单子狗是新产品。This plush pub-dog is a new product.

下订单的人叫什么名字?What name is the order listed under?

彼得因为我接下订单,急得直跟我喊。Peter, yells at me for taking orders.

对上述订单,请取消。Please countermand our order for same.

确定的订单常称作订货单。A firm order is often called an indent.

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所有订单均须附汇款。A remittance must accompany all orders.

我们要看过样品才会下订单。B- We'll order after we see the sample.

确保订单及出库单信息准确输入到ERP系统。Order and stock out sheet input in ERP.