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唱起歌来或是感人至深,或是十分轻快。The music could be deeply moving or very lively.

这封感人至深的书信,现已来到最后一章。This is the last chapter of a deeply moving letter.

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这一悲剧传奇地歌颂了纯贞自由的爱情,感人至深。The moving tragic legend extols pure love and freedom of love.

他们的半世情缘感人至深。Their love lasting half of their lifetime, which touches people deeply.

雅各为信仰作出了感人至深的辩护,打动了负责看守雅各的罗马卫队长。The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial.

实际上,这只是一个令人心碎、感人至深的爱情故事,其中充溢着无法得到回报的爱欲。Really it’s just a heartbreaking, deeply affecting love story, burning with unrequited desire.

父子倾情演绎出了一个感人至深的美国梦,让更多人在绝境中奋力拼搏。The son and father's acting portrays a moving American Dream and encourages more to fight in plight.

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并指导、命令国内新闻机构作”感人至深的正面有益的新闻报道”。As well as ordering Chinese news outlets to produce "deeply-moving, positive and helpful news reports".

这个场景是无法言喻的感人至深,它对家庭之爱的表达是最近所有电影中最贴心的。The scene is ineffably, absurdly touching, the sweetest expression of family love seen in recent films.

她写来了一封感人至深的信,她说总统这样赞扬他,他要是知道的话肯定非常自豪。She wrote me a very moving letter saying how proud John would have been to have the President praising him.

在一次感人至深的采访中她讲述了儿子的不幸和裂击时的画面如何魔鬼般时常萦绕进她的生活。In an emotional interview she described how her life was haunted by the fate of her son and images of the attacks.

它的风格和内容感人至深,以至于在医院里广为传抄、人手一份。Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.

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平淡无奇的语言,精巧奇妙的构思,感人至深的形象构成了汪氏小说一幅幅清新自然、韵味十足的风情画。His plain and concise language, fantastic ideas and impressive characters help paint a fresh natural landscape of sentiment.

下图是最近一次中美民间合作活动中,美国友好人士高举歌词,让中国大学生放歌“明天会更好”,真情感人至深!Our American Friends holding on the song words papers, and Chinese students sing the song"Tomorrow is better" , True feelings show us!

1月下旬,我收到了纽约州比尔·齐夫写来的一封感人至深的信,他是个商人,是我一位朋友的父亲,但我们素未谋面。In late January, I had received a moving letter from Bill Ziff of New York, a businessman I’d never met but whose son was a friend of mine.

所罗门跪在一个特制的铜台上祷告,这篇祷告是圣经中最庄严恢宏、最感人至深的了!Kneeling on a specially constructed bronze scaffold, Solomon prays one of the most majestic and moving invocations found anywhere in the Bible.

海明威以自己年轻时期在义大利服役的经验,写出了一部沉重而又感人至深的小说,将爱情与战争故事融冶于一炉。Reaching back to his experience as a young soldier in Italy, Hemingway developed a grim but lyrical novel of great power, fusing love story with war story.

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杰里米则将回忆埃尔顿·塞纳的短暂而不平的一生,影片感人至深,足以满足那些评论TG不够严肃的人了。Jeremy reflects on the life of Ayrton Senna in a beautiful and moving piece of film making that should momentarily appease those who think TG isn't serious enough these days.

为了给你下周带来些许灵感,本周日我们特别推出一些美丽绝伦、感人至深的图像,它们均出自世界各地的天才艺术家和摄影师之手。To provide you with some inspiration for the upcoming week, this sunday we feature some truly beautiful and impressive images from talented artists and photographers worldwide.

该剧聚焦共和国成立初期,钢铁工人鏖战关东的景象,既有钢铁工人的激情岁月,又有感人至深的友情、爱情和亲情故事。The focus of the founding of the PRC, the steel workers early scene, both great kanto ousting steel workers, and the passion years of friendship and love and touching love story.