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我甘当孺子牛,终生为国家服务。I'm willing to be an ox serving the country all my life.

还有一些没加入PBHA的学生甘当志愿者。There are other students who outside PBHA and who volunteer.

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我想知道的是你是否甘当傻瓜去追求爱,追求梦想和经历生活的惊险刺激。I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

在商业世界,这种精神可以被理解为甘当一个项目的第一个自愿者。In the business world, that might translate into being the first to volunteer for a project.

但中国和印度是不会甘当老二的,南韩和德国也是不会甘当老二的。But China and India aren't playing for second. South Korea and Germany aren't playing for second.

每当不幸降临时,我可以甘当受害者,也可以把它当成一种学习。Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or choose to see it as a type of learning.

为攫取高利润,甘当打一枪换一个地方的游击队。The usurious that it is seize embellish, pleasant should hit one gun to change the guerrilla of a place.

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相似的,低头垂尾表明了在动物聚会上甘当第二的意愿。Similarly, the bowed head or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering.

苔丝没有委曲求全,甘当玩物,而是决然分开了亚雷,这又说明她是一个全新的富有对抗肉体的新女性。Her not stoop to compromise demonstrated that Tess was the figure of a new woman with the rebellious spirit.

他们甘当人盾,以牺牲自己来防止孩子受到施虐配偶的伤害。Many women try to act as human shields, sacrificing themselves to stop abusive mates from harming their children.

姜昆、单田芳、李金斗等曲艺名家甘当绿叶,为大学生捧哏。Famous artists of folk art such as Jiang Kun, Shan Tianfang, Li Jindou came to liven things up for college students.

我只是想知道你是否甘当傻瓜去追求爱、追求梦想和经历生活的惊险刺激。I just want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

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希望距可以稳到一个好锡距的女朋友,甘当距辛苦做完野之后,可以有个人照顾同锡下距啦。I hope he can find a good girl who love him very much. After he finishes work, she can look after him and make him happy.

双月同时环绕地球,几乎同时升上夜空,较小的一个尾随在较大的一个月亮后面,看上去就像双胞胎中的妹妹,甘当姐姐的小尾巴。They both orbited Earth and sort of rose in the sky together, the smaller one trailing a few steps behind like a little sister in tow.

数学研究所一贯有尊师重教、甘当人梯的优良传统,把培养人才放在十分重要的地位。The Institute of Mathematics has a fine tradition of respecting teachers, of valuing education, and of attaching great importance to personnel training.

现在一定要有一批人搞后勤工作。这些人要甘当无名英雄,勤勤恳恳,热心为大家服务。We must now assemble a group of support service workers, who are ready to be unsung heroes and who are diligent, conscientious and devoted to their work.

作为“钢琴女神”的陈伊诺在校园内犹如众星捧月,而张静依则是典型的“假小子”性格,甘当女神的护花使者。As the "Piano goddess" Chen Yi Connaught on campus like Zhongxingpengyue, and Zhang Jingyi is a typical "tomboy" character, being the goddess huhuashizhe.

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如果麦蒂真的到了愿意为了一个总冠军头衔而甘当一个角色球员的生涯转折点,那么那支球队是这个陨落的举行最合适的安身之所呢?If T-Mac has truly reached the point in his career where he's ready to be a role player in a chase for a title, which team would be the better fit for the fallen star?

甘当客户的老师,让他们了解有关产品及服务的专业知识、市场行情——不仅不会将客户拱手让人,反而有助于增进客户的忠诚度,建立起更为稳固的客户关系。If you're a company that provides professional services, does it make sense to help your customers become more educated in the skills and abilities your organization provides?

如果我们不愿再次甘当学生,恢复幼时的好奇心和学习能力,我们将逐渐发现自己生活在一个完全陌生的世界里。If we do not become student again, regaining a child-like curiosity and capacity to learn, then we will increasingly find that we are living in a world that we do not understand.